Chapter 24: Peter and Lucas

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Ally's POV
What? How? Who? Huh? What did he do to make this happen?
How did he do it? Who helped him?
What is happening? Am I imagining this? How are these two people standing in front of me? How did they get here? Where did they come from? "Peter? Lucas?" I crocked out. Are they ghosts? I run up to them and poke their stomach and they giggle. Nope not ghosts. I jump into Peters arms and he hugs me tightly. I then pull away and jump into Lucas' arms and hug him really tight. He hugs back and kisses my cheek earning a low growl out of Austin. I pull away and walk over to Austin smirking.
"Jelly much" I say and walk into the kitchen.
"No I'm not" he yells after me following me into the kitchen. I walk over to the fridge and I open it and I look for something to eat. I can feel the presence of Austin, Peter, and Lucas. I feel Austin put his hands on my lower back and slowly slide his hands over my baby bump. He rests his head on my shoulder and I turn my head to look at him.
"Do you mind?" I ask him and he smiles.
"Not at all" he replies.
"That was a rhetorical question and I was telling you to get off me nicely. Sorta." I say and he giggles. He reaches forward and closes the fridge. He pulls me away from the fridge but I grab ahold of the door handle and smirk at him. He slowly and gently skims my belly with his finger tips to tickle me. I flinch letting go but quickly try to grab the handle again but he pulls me away just in time and I'm not able to grab it. I start laughing and Austin kisses my cheek. He then let's go and picks me up bridal style. He walks past giggling Peter and Lucas and into the living room. He throws me on to the couch and climbs on top of me and starts tickling me.
"A-A-Aus-Austin s-s-sto-stop your going t-to hurt t-the b-baby." I say in between laughing. He smiles at me and stops. He leans down and gently kisses me then gets off me. I get up and slap his chest playfully. He wraps his arms around me from behind and we look at Peter and Lucas who are smiling at us trying to hold in their laughter.
"How are you guys here. I thought you were dead." I said and walked up to them and hugged them again.
"Austin found us." Peter said.
"And we weren't dead we were in France." Lucas said and I turned to austin and smirked at him. He looked a little scared. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you austin." I said and he kissed the top of my head smiling.
"You defiantly are getting the best birthday present ever." I say and he chuckles.
"But I have everything I need." He says.
"Well then I will find you something that you need." I said and winked at him.
"Ok" he said and put me on his left hip and held me like a toddler and looked at Peter and Lucas.
"Would you two like to join us for breakfast and a walk around the mall?" Austin asks them.
"Um.....sure." They say and Austin smiles at them.
"Ok we will be right back." Austin said and walked upstairs still carrying me on his hip while I rest my head on his shoulder. He walks to my room and sets me down.
"Get dressed." He says sweetly and pecks my lips before leaving. I get dressed into the shower and I take a 5 minutes shower. I walk back into my room and a red dress is laid out on my bed. Above it is a necklace with one diamond. And next to the dress is a pair of black flats. I smiled at the outfit and walked over to it. I went to my closet and got a bra and some underwear. I quickly got dressed and looked in the mirror. The dress fit perfectly around my baby bump. It wasn't to tight or too loose. It stopped just above my knees and was strapless. I put on the flats and walked to my body mirror. I smiled and applied a small amount of makeup. I walked out of my room and downstairs. Once I turned on the landing towards the very bottom of the stairs I saw Austin facing Peter and Lucas and they were talking. Peter and Lucas noticed me and they starred at me and smiled. Austin noticed their smiles and hesitantly turned around. He looked at me and his jaw dropped. He then smiled at me and I gladly returned the smile. I looked between the three of them and noticed that all of them where dressed in tuxedos. I smiled at all of them and my eyes locked with Austin's again.
" look......B-Beautiful." He stuttered. I smiled and looked down at my dress. I fluffed the bottom a little and looked at him through my eye lashes. I started walking down the stairs again and Austin met me on the third step up. H smiled and slightly bowed and put his hand out. I smiled back and took his hand. He walked me the rest of the way down the stairs and I smiled at the two idiots that I'm happy to call my cousins. I hugged them and we all walked to the door. Me and Austin walked in front holding hands and the two stupids where behind us. Lol. I then heard the squeezing of wheels and we all turned around. Vanessa was being pushed down the hall in a wheelchair by Joe and she was smiling. She looked at the idiots behind me, that I could hear are now wrestling, and her mouth dropped. I fake coughed and they stopped and looked at me. I pointed to Vanessa and their faces lit up. They smiled and ran up to her. Joe stepped between her and them and they slid into him and they all fell on top of each other. I giggled and Austin broke out laughing. They all quickly stood up looking around then back at Vanessa and she was trying to hold in a laugh.
"Nessie." They both squeal. And she couldn't take it anymore. She broke out laughing and the two weirdos glared at her.
"Oh your asking for it." They say and slowly walk towards her Austin stops and so does Nessa. He quickly runs in front of them and a low growl comes from the back of his throat. They back away and shyly smile. Austin smiles and walks back over to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and gently rubs my baby bump. Huh I wonder how I already have a baby bump. in only like a week pregnant. Huh I'll ask Austin later.
"Hey Ness are you hungry we were just about to go out to eat with these stupids." I say and they look at me and their eyes turn a creepy shade of red. Oh yeah you must be wondering what they are. Well they are werewolves but they are a rare type of werewolf. Their eyes change color with their emotions, they don't only morph into wolves they morph into human like wolves so they are literally half human half wolf. It's kinda scary. Anyways I just smile at them and they roll their eyes. They gently hug Vanessa and she hugs back.
"Um sure where are we going?" She asks.
"Um I don't know Austin won't tell me." I say slightly looking at Austin.
"That's because it's a secret." He says kissing my cheek. He releases my waist and grabs my hand and we walk to the door.
"Come on. wait Ness are you changing?" He asks.
"Yeah Joe can help me." She says and we smile at her. We sit on the couch in the living room while Joe and Vanessa go upstairs to change. About 20 minutes later they come back down and Vanessa is wearing a blue dress that goes all the way down to her ankles and is bejeweled around the waist. She has a diamond necklace like mine and white flats on. Joe helps her back into the wheelchair and we all pile into the car. About 10 minutes later we arrive at the "restaurant."
Hey guys sorry it's short. And I'm sorry I took so long to update. I promise I'm still going to be writing I just was a little stuck with writers block. I'm so sorry and I will try to update sooner. Love you all. Till next time.
~ Camry ~

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