studying in Los Angeles can be the opportunity of a lifetime: new city, meeting new people and have a lot of fun, but it's not all fun and games: will anna manage to live a "double life" between Milan and Los Angeles?
i was standing in front of the wardrobe, as if while i was waiting, new clothes would come up. so, not to lose any more time, i started thinking about some possible outfist, but it was so difficult, cause i didn't want to wear the usual jeans and sweater, or some fancy dress.
i started searching everywhere in the wardrobe and decided not to look on the jeans or dresses side, so the only thing left was a skirt. i took a black leather one and i went for a beige cropped cardigan with bottons as top. i wore it all and when i looked at myself in the mirror, standing next to the window, and not gonna lie, i was pretty satisfied.
after doing a light makeup with eyeliner, mascara and some lipgloss, i put my usual black boots, which for the record i hated the first few weeks, cause they were so uncomfortable and my feet were always bleeding, but after some time i got used to it and now they were my favourite pair of shoes, of course after the vans one and the air force one lmao.
i checked the time on the phone and it was 4.48 pm, i should have get out of the house now so that i wouldn't be late. then i sent a text to daniele, saying:
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as i sent the text, i couldn't stop thinking about the dilemma that was going on in my head for these past few days: was i wrong giving him this chance? or was i right? maybe he just wanted to talk as "friends". or was that just my inner desire? after few seconds my phone lighted up, it was daniele:
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i read the text twice to make sure i wasn't hallucinating and without even realising, a smile took place on my face. god i was so stupid. when i got back to the reality i noticed that my phone was ringing and it was daniele, again. my heart started racing faster and the room i was in felt like it was getting hotter and hotter.
i picked up and hearing his voice after a long time felt so different:
"hey anna, uhm, i'm waiting outside" he said, visibily shy, this moment was so awkward for both of us and i felt better in a certain way to know that he was feeling the same way i was.
"hey, yeah i'll be there soon, bye, uh see you in few seconds, bye." what the heck. those words came out of my mouth without even thinking and i felt so stupid. did i stutter? probably.
i grabbed my usual little bag, the keys and some money, cause you never know, and i checked myself for the last time in the mirror: i took a deep breath and repeated in my head that it wasn't a big deal, i mean, me and daniele have been dating for months and we knew each other pretty well.
there was no reason to feel that way. or maybe there was?
i went downstairs and opened the door: i could see him in his black jeep, fixing his hair looking at the rearview mirror. i remember i used to love watching him fixing it, cause his hair was soft and it smelled so good. i could spend hours on passing my hands through it while we were standing next to each other cuddling.
while i was still thinking about the good old times, daniele turned in my direction and told me to get in the car. shit i'd pay to see my face in that moment: i'd prolly look like a fool.
i got in the car and said an awkward "hi" looking at him and then i put the seatbelt on. daniele said "hi" too, but soon after he came closer to my face and i could feel it turning many shades of red. what the hell he was trying to do?
while many ideas were going on in my mind, he simply left a little kiss ok my left cheek. he always used to to this the first times we were hanging out. and i loved it. he damn knew it.
after few mins i could tell there was an embarrassing silence and none of us was trying to break it. since i didn't want to say something stupid, i decided to play some song on the radio.
i was about to reach out the button when my hand met his, we both stared at each other and smiled awkwardly. then we laughed.
"same thought, uh?" i said giggling to break the tension and looking at him.
daniele turned into my direction and looking at me straight in the eyes said: "see? we still think the same things, there's still some good connection between us."
i felt something in my stomach, hearing those words had some effect on me and i could see he was feeling the same, since he wasn't looking at me anymore. those words literally left me speechless: what connection? the one he was pretending to have with me while he was in a relationship with another girl too?
when i found out that he was just using me to please his family and not because he actually loved me, my heart broke into thousand pieces. i felt like i was close to tears, but i tried my best not to make him notice.
but i failed, cause he said: "hey, i didn't want you to bring you down, i just wanted to spend some time with you and talk."
"yeah, i know, don't mind me now, let's just arrive at the spot." i said the fastest as possibile so that i wouldn't break down.
after saying that, daniele hit the pedal heavier and i could feel the wind on my face since i had the window down a little bit.
finally a good song was playing on the radio and there wasn't an awkward silence anymore: "don't start now" by dua lipa. i freaking loved dua lipa and this song was really catchy, so i started singing it, even tho i couldn't sing at all.
"damn dua lipa should hire you as assistant during her concert" daniele said ironically, he knew well i couldn't sing and we always made fun of it, also because he wasn't good at singing too, so when we started singing together, it was a mess.
we both laughed remembering the good old days, if that's how they can be called, and finally we were arrived. daniele found a parking spot and turned the car off. i was about to open the car door, but daniele stopped me with a "huh, huh".
he got out of the car and came next to my side, opening the car door for me and holding out his hand to me, and said: "ready?"