what a beautiful friday night. i was in my room, sitting here and doing a stupid maths assignment. or at least i was trying.
who would prefer doing homework instead of hanging out and having fun? ah, not me but i'm kinda forced if i don't wanna fail this class.
daniele <3
hey, are you there for a call?right. with all the school stuff i had to keep up with i almost forgot we still had to clear things up. this boy always had a great timing.
hey sorry but i'm doing homework, i really can't delay.
as much as i wanted to get a good grade, i really couldn't focus on this stuff, so i just ended up doing some scrawls on my notebook.
you're doing great anna! this sure is the right way not to fail a class. but i couldn't help it, so i just kept on.
"uhm hey are you busy?"
of course it was him. he loved coming to my room and interrupting whatever i was doing. this time i actually appreciated it, though.
"i kinda am." i slightly sighed. "what's up?"
"maths, right?" vinnie slightly leaned against the wall.
"uh-uh." i looked at him. "kinda. i'm pretty tired of doing this, you know, it's friday.."
"look, i haven't done the assignment yet, we can do it together tomorrow." he said making me feel a lot better.
"oh god that would be perfect!" i stood up as vinnie came closer to me.
"well, now if you don't have anything to do, come downstairs." he was now standing right in front of me with his hands in the jeans pockets.
i looked at him slightly confused. i mean, did he plan to do something? or he just wanted me to go there to take a break?
"no weird thoughts, my mom has something to say." vinnie said noticing my confused face.
i simply nodded and then we both walked out of my room. i had been sitting in my room for so long that as i was walking i felt my legs getting a little bit weaker, causing to lose some balance.
"hey are you okay?" vinnie asked me worried as he saw me getting closer to the handrail.
"yeah it's just my legs, i've been in there for so long so they just need to stretch a little."
"oh come here." he said taking my arm and placing it on his shoulders and helping me to get downstairs by lifting me up a little.
"thank you a lot." i smiled at him as we got into the living room. "so? what's the thing your mom has to say? you know i'm anxious and i don't like waiting."
"no problem." he smiled too. "i don't really know but we're gonna find out in a few minutes."
"yeah let's just hope she's not gonna say «there are gonna be 6 of us in a few months. i'm pregnant!»" i said giggling.
i was expecting vinnie to do the same, but when i looked at him, he was giving me a death stare. chill out vincent it's a joke. hopefully.
"thanks but no." he was dead serious. "it kinda freaks me out thinking about my parents doing.. you know."
well yeah he was right, but his face was hilarious and i was really holding my laugh back now since i didn't want him to kill me.
"here you are guys!" maria said looking excited.
"so what's the big deal, mom?" reggie sighed.
"hey calm down boy!" nate said chuckling. "your mom and i thought about something to do tonight if you're all okay with it."
vinnie, reggie and i looked at each other a bit confused, then we all shrugged. i wondered what maria and nate wanted to say.
"soo what about a bowling night?" maria said with a big smile on her face.
i looked over at the two curly headed boys next to me and when my eyes met vinnie's i could definitely see a smirk on his face.
he leaned over me and whispered: "you know i'm gonna beat you, right?"
"we'll see." i whispered then i looked at vinnie smirking.
he smirked at me back thinking he would have won. uh, little did he know i was gonna win.
"now let's get straight into the car!" maria squealed. "oh my god i'm so excited!"
i chuckled and i found myself thinking about how lucky i was to get an amazing family like the hackers.
whenever i was feeling homesick, they always managed to make me feel better and have fun. they really felt like a second family and i was so grateful for them.
"c'mon honey let's go! are you excited for that?" maria was now next to me hugging me.
"of course i am." i smiled at her. "i'm even more ready to beat vinnie."
"then I'm looking forward to that! now let's go, they are waiting for us." maria said as we walked out of the house.
funny how not even an hour ago i was in my room complaining about doing homework and now we were about to have a great family night. thanks again, maria and nate!
i couldn't wait to beat vinnie's cute ass.

you're the one.|| vinnie hacker
Fanfictionstudying in Los Angeles can be the opportunity of a lifetime: new city, meeting new people and have a lot of fun, but it's not all fun and games: will anna manage to live a "double life" between Milan and Los Angeles?