as vinnie's face is right in front of me i can't help but feel my heartbeat racing more and more.
i try to take deep breaths to calm down and think straight: i already am in a relationship with a guy i've been knowing almost my entire life, i can't have feelings for another guy.
gosh anna! we've already been into that. vinnie is not someone you love love, he's your friend and nothing more.
also i've seen the way we try to protect each other: it always ends up hurting the other person and i don't think it's very healthy, for any kind of relationship.
"jeez are you feeling okay?"
vinnie's voice brings me back to reality.
i shake my head and blink a couple times to make my brain connect with what's actually happening.
"um yeah, were you saying?"
"nothing, you just seemed gone for a second, like you were dreaming with open eyes." vinnie says showing relief in his voice.
"yeah sorry it was nothing." i say and i'm pretty sure i'm terribly blushing.
i just hope vinnie won't notice it or it's gonna be even more embarrassing.
"by the way i was just messing around, i wanted to make you laugh." he says touching the back of his neck.
he looks nervous.
"i'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable in any way." he continues.
"no need to apologise and also it was nothing, i was just overthinking without realising it." i say trying to sound as much as confident as possible.
was i really thinking he was going for a kiss? jeez what's wrong with me?
vinnie looks at me smiling and caressing my arm as if he is reassuring me more.
"um off topic but have you been thinking about valentine's prom?" vinnie says. "i don't wanna scare you but it's gonna be in a few days."
jesus christ.
damn, i completely forgot about it. but i can't tell vinnie that. he will think i'm a mess, which for the record i am, but i have to play it cool.
"yeahh! definitely!" i say as i wanna sound confident. "i have some ideas in mind about my dress color."
that's not even closest to the truth.
"would you mind giving me a sneak peek?" vinnie giggles.
"are you crazy? it's gonna be a surprise." i say as my voice cracks a little.
vinnie hints a little smile on his face as he looks at me: "do you know that we'll have to match?"
excuse me?!
"hm hm, yeah right.uhm, so i think i'm gonna go with blue." i say the first color that got in my mind.
"hm, blue." vinnie says as he puts the front piece of my hair behind my ear. "looks good on you."
jesus. he has this freaking power on me. whatever thing he does, even the smallest, i get so damn nervous and that's not normal at all because we're nothing.
and because of daniele. i haven't told him about the prom yet. but i'm gonna keep it cool. without even realising vinnie wasn't sitting in front of me anymore, so i turn around just to see him getting out of the room.
"where are you going?" i ask confused.
"i'll provide myself an awesome suit, just so i can look as beautiful as you." vinnie says as he stopped right at the door. "don't worry, you'll still gonna be the hottest among everyone."
again. this weird feeling at the stomach that only vinnie can make me feel.
honestly i'm so impressed by what he said, i can't even find a word, a single word, to say.
i see vinnie getting out of my sight and that's when my brain connected all its brain cells and in fact i realise i don't really have a blue dress to wear at prom.
actually i don't have a prom dress at all. i wonder who can save me.
jesus why do i always forget things and wanna do everything at the last minute?
that's when someone came up in my mind.
char i beg you your help,
are u there?what's uppp? hurry cus i'm in
the middle of a breakdown🤪me
do u wanna talk about it?no it's stupid,
what's up w u?me
mine is even more stupid
prom dress emercency.NO WAYYY MINE TOO LOL
prom is in two days
and i don't have a dress yetme
omg great we could go
shopping together aahh5:30 pm.
dixie and i will pick u upas a celestial sign, charli is in my exact same situation.
since i have less than an hour left, i start to get ready: first off i take a good hot shower to make the stress and the thoughts go away, then i try and fix my hair by straightening it a bit more and last thing, make up.
i wanna look decent so that when i try the dresses on i already have an idea of how it's gonna be. i'll probably change the hairstyle, but nothing much.
as i am almost done wearing my fav pair of earrings, which are sparkly hoops, i hear my phone ringing.
"i'll be downstairs in two seconds, i promise." i say not even letting charli talk.
as i am putting the phone down, i blink a couple of times wishing i didn't read properly the name on the screen.
it's daniele.
"um, hello??" i hear his voice as i put my phone next to the ear.
"oh my god, i'm sorry babe." i say. "i didn't notice it was you."
"yeah i saw that." daniele chuckles. "hm who's gonna pick you up?"
"no weird thoughts, it's just charli." i say as i grab the purse. "we're going shopping."
"oohh can you tell her to say hi to me and record it? she's getting mad famous here. the boys are gonna go crazy when they'll se the video." daniele laughs.
funny how charli is just getting noticed in italy, when here it's already been a couple of months.
"fine, but that's it. i don't want her or anyone else think i'm using them." i say sounding pretty serious about it.
"of course not. you're so pure, no one will ever think that." daniele reassures me. "so? what's the reason why of going shopping today?"
shoot. i haven't told him yet abot prom. and if i do it now, it's gonna be rushed because charli is gonna be here soon.
"um, i'll explain better later, but it's for prom, i'm going with vinnie." i say just to realise later i said too much.
i should have told him later. or even better, before.
as i say it, i can't here anything from the other side of the phone. is daniele still here or?
what if he's upset because my prom date is vinnie? or because i forgot to tell him?
nah maybe he's just thinking of asking me to see the dress after i bought it. yeah, yeah that's it.
"what the heck?"
after terrible seconds of silence, that's what i hear.
oh my god, that's all my fault. as always. i wanna fix things and our relationship, but yet here i am messing it up even more.

you're the one.|| vinnie hacker
Fanfictionstudying in Los Angeles can be the opportunity of a lifetime: new city, meeting new people and have a lot of fun, but it's not all fun and games: will anna manage to live a "double life" between Milan and Los Angeles?