the annoying noise of the alarm woke me up. i was sleeping so peacefully and i was tempted by turning off the alarm and lay there 5 more minutes, but i decided not to since i didn't want to be late on my first school day.
i got up and went straight to the wardrobe to choose what i wanted to wear. i completely forgot to do it last night, i was too focused on vinnie and his weird behaviour.
since it was my first day i didn't have my school uniform yet, so i went for something basic, also because i didn't know their dress code and didn't want to get a detention the first day.
after i decided the outfit, i went to the bathroom for a quick shower since i had already washed my hair the day before cause i didn't want to lose any more time.
after getting out of the shower i was ready to get dressed: i chose dark blue jeans with a nike hoodie. for sure they couldn't have said anything to me cause there wasn't even a little piece of my skin showing.
i got out of my room taking my phone and my bag with the necessary in it and while i was closing the door behind my back, i noticed vinnie was going out of his room too.
it was awkward to me since yesterday he barely spoke to me. i was still thinking about a way to say hi to him, when vinnie passed in front of me and his words brought me back to the reality: "hey you're ready?"
i didn't even have the time to say something, cause he didn't stop, but he went downstairs. so i followed him.
"hey vin i-" i didn't finish my sentence, again, cause when i arrived in the kitchen vinnie and reggie were having a little fight. jeez it had only been few seconds since he got here and they were already arguing.
"please don't mind them, they always do it but at the end of the day they care about each other." maria said offering me a cup of coffee. i smiled and thanked her then i said: "oh please my brother and i did the same. i guess it's something common to all the families in the world."
"i'm the oldest so i am right. shut the fuck up." me and maria turned towards vinnie pretty shocked about the way he said those words.
"okay, so.." maria tried to play it down. "i think you guys should go, or you're gonna be late. anna, vinnie's gonna give you a ride to school, don't worry" she said smiling.
i nodded and took my bag and followed vinnie and reggie. they were waiting for me. or it's proper to say that reggie was waiting for me, cause vinnie was already in his car.
i said a quick 'goodbye' to maria and closed the door behind my back.
me and reggie arrived at the car and i was about to sit on the backseat when vinnie said: "you can sit in the front." i looked at reggie cause i thought he wanted to sit there, but he shook his head as a sign of no, so i went sitting on the front seat.
last time i was sitting here was couple days ago when we went to the grocery store. it was nothing, but we had fun in our own way. and now vinnie was acting weird. i didn't know what happened to make him act that way, but i didn't even want to interfere cause it wasn't any of my business.
the time passed by and we arrived at school. it was pretty hilarious since vinnie didn't say a single word and me and reggie kept holding back our laughs not to make vinnie more upset than he already was.
vinnie parked his car and we got out of it. at first i was impressed by how big the parking area was: everyone had their own place to park their car and reggie also said that many of them used to buy it to keep it all the year long. that was pretty cool.
"uh i guess we're gonna see later, i gotta go" reggie said and i could say he couldn't wait anymore to go away. i didn't blame him since i would have done the same. the situation there was so weird and embarassing.
"yeah bye, see ya later here." vinnie said while he was picking up his backpack from the car. "don't be late"
i was standing there waiting for vinnie to show me the entrance of the school, but all he was doing was losing time looking around him.
"uh, hello?" i tried to steal his attention. "vinnie are you there?" he seemed pretty focused.
i snapped my fingers in front of his face and that's when he finally turned towards me: "uh yeah i'm here, what did you say?"
"i said nothing, i'm just waiting for you so we can go inside. i don't know anything about the school" i sighed.
"this way" he started walking and i followed him. i wondered what kept him so focused, so i turned back but i couldn't see anyone or anything. everyday that passed by, vinnie was acting more and more weird.
vinnie got completely out of my thoughts when i entered the school. it was spacious and colourful, it had a cool vibe, then i saw people were standing by the lockers talking to each other while they were waiting for the lessons to start.
while i was admiring what was surrounding me, vinnie stopped walking and now we were at the entrance of what seemed history class.
"so that's the first lesson for today?" i asked trying to take a look at the class behind vinnie's back. "c'mon let's go." i was stepping in, but i felt vinnie's hands on my arms blocking me.
"don't you wanna skip class, do you?" i chuckled.
"as long as it tempts me, no." i was even more confused than i already was. "i'm gonna go to this class, but you have to go to the principal office."
oh shit. i didn't even know where it was.
"but i don't even know wh-" i couldn't finish my sentence cause vinnie took my arm and said: "okay, i'll guide you to the office and then i'm going to history class." oh thank god, even tho he seemed pretty annoyed. "happy now?" then he laughed.
i immediately laughed cause he said it the same way i did after i followed him on tiktok couple days ago while we were in his car.
we went through the hallway and it was almost empty since the bell rang about 5 minutes ago meaning that the lesson were about to start.
"i know you might be loving this school now, cause it'a new thing to you, but trust me you're gonna hate it soon." i looked at him as to say 'wow thanks vinnie, i'm feeling so much better'
"i don't wanna scare you or something, but i'm telling you this for your own good." he seemed pretty serious. "like, people here talk a lot and if there's even the dumbest rumor around, they're gonna believe anything, so be careful." now he was looking at me straight in the eyes.
"thank you for being honest, but i'm literally no one. what could they say about me?"
"trust me" he lightly smiled. after few seconds we were arrived at the principal office and he immediately opened the door, as if he heard us coming.
"hey, you must be the new student, right? come in, i was waiting for you."

you're the one.|| vinnie hacker
Fanfictionstudying in Los Angeles can be the opportunity of a lifetime: new city, meeting new people and have a lot of fun, but it's not all fun and games: will anna manage to live a "double life" between Milan and Los Angeles?