it had been almost 30 minutes since we were in class waiting for mr. clark to say something about our detention and it was getting pretty annoying since i just wanted to go home.
"when do you think he's gonna tell us what to do?" i whispered to vinnie.
"i hope soon because i don't wanna stay for long.." vinnie shrugged. "not that i mind spending more time with you, it's just emily." then he slightly smiled at me.
"i mean, yeah who wouldn't enjoy spending time with me." i played it cool.
"okay you two can stop whispering at each other." mr clark said getting our attention.
finally he decided to speak up and not to lose any more time.
both vinnie and i looked at him, but then my eyes got on emily, who was standing next to mr clark and was giving us a death stare.
"as you may know the next one is valentine's day week, mostly known as love week." he kept saying and as i was listening to him i suddenly remembered it actually was almost valentine's day.
wow i totally forgot. time flies when you're having fun. it was my first time experiencing this love week thing and i wondered what it was about.
then suddenly i felt something in my stomach: it was almost february 14th and i wouldn't have been with daniele.
despite all the things were happening between him, giulia, me, vinnie and emily, still i couldn't deny that he was important to me and it kinda sucked the fact that we couldn't be together.
"anna are you okay?" i heard vinnie whispering in my ear.
i nodded without saying anything and then i kept listening to mr clark: "during this week everyone can write a note, anonymously or not, and send it to the person they love, it can be a friend, a lover or whatever."
this wasn't a bad idea at all, but what were we supposed to do?
"mr clark i appreciate this idea, but what do we have to do? i don't get it." vinnie said as he crossed his arms and the way he said it was pretty funny.
"i see you didn't learn the lesson yet, hacker.." mr clark sighed. "getting to the point: you and anna have to hang up some flyers around the school to let everybody know about the love week and also you have to cut out the paper cards that are gonna be used as love notes."
did mr clark really think we could do that? also i haven't hold a pair of scissors since i stopped making collages in middle school, so a long time ago.
"do we have to do all of it today? or we can do half of it tomorrow? i mean.." vinnie stated to speak up but mr clark shushed him, again for maybe the third time in a day.
"this is not a free time thing, hacker. this is a detention, so you're gonna stay here until you're done."
jeez he was so annoying. now i understood why he wasn't wearing a wedding ring on his finger: no one could stand his terrible behaviour.
i looked at vinnie and as much as he already knew mr clark, he had a shocked face: yeah sometimes vinnie could be annoying, but mr clark had no right to talk to him like that. now he was the disrespectful one.
"now that you guys know what to do, i can leave." mr clark said getting up. "emily what are you going here? don't you have cheerleading rehearsals?"
again, it was a little weird of him calling her by her name and also knowing her schedule. i doubted there was a kind of relationship between them, first off it was mad weird and second off emily was obsessed with vinnie.

you're the one.|| vinnie hacker
Fanfictionstudying in Los Angeles can be the opportunity of a lifetime: new city, meeting new people and have a lot of fun, but it's not all fun and games: will anna manage to live a "double life" between Milan and Los Angeles?