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NOT JUST RON and Hermione, but the entire Gryffindor common room had been buzzing about the upcoming Hogsmeade trip while Cassandra and Harry sat on the couch, sulking to themselves – well Harry sulked, Cassandra simply read a book despite her mind not being to it with an unreadable expression. Harry's plan to ask McGonagall for signing the slip due to his 'condition' had backfired since Cassie – who had a similar situation – hadn't raised a hue and cry about it, which made Harry angry with the helpless Cassandra as well.

"Why didn't Professor Lupin sign your slip?" Hermione suddenly asked, making Cassie lift her head from the book.

"I hadn't seen him for five years. It would be rather too selfish to send him an owl saying, 'Hello Remus, remember me? The girl who never bothered to write a letter for four years? Yeah, I need you to sign a slip because I don't have parents!' So, I just stayed quiet. Anyways, Hogsmeade is way overpriced than what it actually is," Cassandra rambled, earning a massive scoff from Fred and George who were busy telling Ron which sweets to skip in Honey dukes.

"You take that back Miss Black!" George scolded, wagging his index finger at the dark-haired girl.

"Yes, Miss Bla–" Fred repeated before falling short of words. On hearing the word 'Black' almost everyone in the room had spun their heads towards the group. Cassandra's face fell back into her unreadable expression – something she often dawned.

"Black! Why didn't I remember sooner!" Seamus exclaimed in shock. A few gasps filled the room.

"Cassandra Black, daughter of an unknown Black," Seamus deduced. He stepped in front of Cassie and pointed at her, "You, you're a Black and so is Sirius! Is he related to you?"

"He is of course," Cassandra shrugged as if it was a completely normal thing.

"What if you're going to help him come inside Hogwarts? You are related after all!" Seamus accused.

"Now why would she do that? Despite everything, he is a mass murderer, isn't he?" Fred suddenly said, standing up, towering over Finnigan.

"She's related to the man!" Seamus exclaimed.

"And you're dad's a muggle. And Muggles used to burn witches and wizards. Does that mean we accuse your dad of being a wizard killer?" Fred countered. Everyone went silent. Seamus opened his mouth to respond but immediately shut up. He murmured something under his breath.

"Speak up Finnigan, I can't hear you!" Fred said, sitting back on the couch.

"At least my dad didn't actually kill people!" Seamus yelled back, making Cassandra stand up on her two feet.

"Well, I didn't ask to be related to him now, did I? And before you go accusing me of anything, may I remind you, I'm already under the close watch of the ministry and have been since I was five. I can't do anything without being cross-checked by an Auror patrolling the grounds. So, keep your crazy ideas to yourself and leave me alone," Cassandra asserted, her voice calm and not showing a hint of anger. Without another word, Cassandra walked up the staircase back to her room and locked herself in. The dorm was empty. As soon she locked the door, she leaned against it and slid down, a tear falling down her face.

"I'm sorry," she mouthed, her eyes shut. She tucked her legs between her hands and cradled herself. One by one, the tears started trickling down her face. Crookshanks cautiously walked over to the Black and rubbed his face on her legs, as though petting her. Cassie looked up and chuckled at the cat's attempt to comfort her. She picked up the ginger cat and placed it on her lap and began stroking it.

"Don't Mi that I cried alright? I don't want her to worry about me. I'm sorry I've been such a mess Crooks. I guess after seeing him after all these years brought back my ability to emote," Cassie chuckled to that cat, wiping her tears with her cuffs. Crookshanks simply curled up on her lap and drifted to sleep.

"Hey, hey, hey don't fall asleep. Then I won't be able to move from the door!" Cassie scolded, nudging the ginger cat softly. With a hiss, Crookshanks got up from her lap jumped onto Hermione's bed and went back to her nap. With a happy sigh, Cassie got up and composed herself. She unlocked the door and brushed off the cat hair on her robes and sat on the bed.

About an hour or two later, a small knock was heard on her dorm door. Everyone had left for Hogsmeade, leaving only the first and second years, none except Ginny had Cassie befriended. Confused, she went up to the door and opened it. She was greeted by a familiar messy black-haired boy.

"Hi Harry," she greeted with a straight face.

"Hey, Cassie. Er, do you want to go to the Library to study with me?" he asked nervously.

"Aren't you mad at me?" Cassie asked, confused.

"About the slip?" Harry asked, equally confused.

"That and Sirius Black," Cassandra answered with a soft voice.

"Well, I am sort of mad about the slip, but again, I still have you for the company so I shouldn't be so mad. As for Sirius Black, so what if you're related to him! I, for one, am related to Dudley and I still wonder why," Harry joked, earning a toothless smile from Cassie. She immediately hugged Harry, who reciprocated it gladly.

"About my question," Harry asked again after they pulled away.

"Oh yes of course," Cassandra agreed and locked the door behind. Together, they walked down and out of the room and into the library to study a bit.  

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