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REMUS WATCHED JULIA'S sobbing figure from the porch. Cassie had run back into the house in tears and locked herself in the room leaving Remus quite perplexed as to what could have possibly disturbed the girl so much especially when she just went to the market. 

Julia didn't enter the house at all. Remus had seen her walk towards the house while he read the paper on the porch swing but as soon as her eyes met his resting figure, she turned away and marched to the nearby pond, seating herself and letting her emotions flow. 

Remus was finally informed of this cold behaviour between the mother and daughter when Cassie came down half an hour later remembering she hadn't kept the ice cream in the freezer - having dumped all the groceries on the kitchen platform before running up to her room and changing out of the men's clothing. 

Taking a cup of ice cream for herself, she off-handedly mentioned to Remus how yet another person lied to her about their past relationships. 

"Weren't you just crying a minute ago?" Remus asked, looking thoroughly confused over how calm and collected Cassie was looking after just almost having a breakdown. 

"Yes," Cassie nodded, failing to see his point as she licked the ice cream off the spoon. 

"And you're done wallowing?" he asked again, still reeling from the sudden change of countenance. 

"Remus, that was a minute ago. Right now, I want ice cream. Now I'm going to go back up to my room, finish this cup and reply to Fred's letter that just came in," she informed, beginning to walk up the stairs. 

So that's what changed her mood, thought Remus to himself. 

"Oh, I almost forgot," Cassie added, whirling around to face him as she reached the landing, "The World Cup is this year and Fred's got me tickets, so I'm going with the Weasley's, Harry and Granger,"

"Goodness knows why Granger was invited, she doesn't even like quidditch," the Black murmured to herself while walking to her room without waiting for Remus's response. 

Remus stared at the empty spot where Cassie once stood, taking in exactly what happened. 

"Teenagers scare the living shit out of me," he sighed before making his way out of the house to talk to Julia and confirm his suspicions over this fallout at the market. 

He stopped before her quivering, huddled figure, confused on whether he should inform her of his arrival before sitting down next to her or-

"You can sit," Julia answered for him, not even turning behind to check who it was. 

"Cassie said you lied about something," Remus stated matter-of-factly as the two stared at a duck swimming in the pond with her children. It was ironic for them to see a happy family while they sat there, with every member of their family dead and deceased. 

Both Julia and Remus hated seeing content families after the loss of their loved ones (for Julia her parents and Felix and Remus, Cassandra Prewett). But they both, over time, learned to cope with it and accept the fate of what they could never have. 

"I bumped into Joon," Julia sniffed after a moment. On hearing his name, Remus's jaw tightened. None of the marauders forgave Joon for what he did to Julia. If Remus would've been there today, Joon would have gone home with a bloody nose, and everyone knew Remus to be the one abstaining from violence whenever and wherever he could. 

"He has a daughter now," she added, making Remus scoff. 

"That makes two of them," he said in return, "Yoo Chang has a daughter too. Cho Chang. Ravenclaw. I taught her this year. Seeker, just like her bastard of an uncle. I have a feeling Harry fancies her,"

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