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"MISS BLACK, WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?" Professor McGonagall's voice echoed throughout the corridor outside the Great Hall as all the students departed. Dean and Cassie had planned to make a clean exit by blending through the crowd but that was becoming quite hard considering every student seemed to want to congratulate them for their performance at that very moment. 

"Minne! Sweet, sweet, kind, Minnie," Cassie grinned, trying to pull out every Potter-and-Black-charming-gene in her body. 

"I see you've taken to your father's reactions when caught red-handed," Minerva said, her lips curving into a small smile that vanished almost as soon as it appeared. 

"What can I say? It's in my blood," Cassie shrugged with a cocky smile that reminded McGonagall so much of her father that it was almost eerie. 

"And Mr Thomas, don't you even try and run away," she called out, her eyes still on Cassie as Dean, with slumped shoulders, walked back to the Head of his house. 

"My office. Follow me," she remarked sternly, leading them up the teacher's stairway and into her office where Blaise Zabini and Delilah Diggory stood, with Snape and Professor Sprout behind them. 

"Which of you devils came up with this," Snape snarled as he walked and stood behind Professor McGonagall's chair. 

"I wouldn't call them devils," Sprout ushered, hurrying by Minerva's side, "Tykes, would be appropriate," she said thoughtfully. Cassie's eyes gleamed at the word. 

"Brilliant Pomona, you've given their little band a name," Professor McGonagall rolled her eyes and muttered to the Herbology teacher on seeing the glint in the Black's eyes. 

"So how many points must we deduct from each of these delinquents for their crimes?" Snape sneered, almost grinning in happiness. His need for revenge on the marauders through their children was getting quite concerning. 

"Crimes?" Cassie scoffed incredulously, "If you call saving Hogwarts', pardon my language, arse in front of two of our affiliates and putting on a spectacular show to leave an everlasting impression in their minds is a crime, then call me Wilberforce!"

"Very well, Wilberforce," Snape began when McGonagall cut him off with a humourous smile on her face,

"No, Severus, we're not deducting points,"


"Actually, I would like to give each of them fifty points," Professor Sprout smiled. The four kids turned to look at the miniature house glasses on McGonagall's shelves to see coloured sand falling into them. They looked at one another with dopey grins, discreetly fist-bumping each other. 

"However," Professor McGonagall began, "For the lack of informing your superiors about the performance, you will spend the next two Fridays in detention,"

"Just two?" Blaise asked, unable to hold in his surprise. 

"Would you like more, Mr Zabini?" McGonagall chuckled, "I could certainly arrange-"

"Oh, no, that won't be necessary. I'll learn my lesson from those two and always inform my superiors. Sorry Professor Snape," Zabini rattled at once. 

"Yeah, sorry Professor Sprout," Delilah apologised sincerely, earning a flitting hand from the lady as if she were saying all is forgotten. 

"Sorry Professor McGonagall," Cassie and Dean said robotically, making Minerva roll her eyes in response. 

"Now, all to your rooms at once. No lingering around. It's past your curfew,"

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