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her cheeks, the leaves of the trees grazing her skin as she ran through the Forbidden Forest. She had lost Peter halfway through the run when he darted into the thicker parts of the forest. Cassie knew that Peter couldn't run forever. He would stop - sometime, somewhere - and transform back into his human form to disapparate to reach his master. Cassie didn't have a plan; she just had a hunch – so she ran till where her feet took her.

The same trees, the same rock, the same twig snapped as she ran around in circles. Cassie was lost and confused for the first time in her life. Grabbing the branch of a nearby tree, she steadied herself, before sitting down onto the moist floor of the forest. She rested her head on the bark of the tree, and breathed heavily, bringing back her breath rate to normal.

"This is madness," she muttered to herself before staring up at the sky. She was deep in, and the canopy above her head didn't let enough moonlight pass through. Pulling herself away from the dim light creeping in through the gaps in the leaves, she looked at the pathway she just ran from.

She had left everyone in chaos. Her father and Remus were probably fighting to death somewhere in this forest, while Harry and Hermione would be taking Ron and Snape to the hospital wing and probably explaining everything to Dumbledore. 

Cassie sighed, once again feeling ashamed of herself. She had made it her mission to avenge what Peter had done to her and Harry – and here she was sitting in the forest, lost and tired, in hopes of someone to find her to take her back to the castle.

The crunching sounds of leaves from somewhere near alerted Cassie. She pulled out her wand and stood up, her back pressed against the tree. A soft growl echoed from her right – and that, well could be anything. Praying to Merlin for it to be some simple creature she could stun and escape, Cassie prepared herself with all the possible incantations to defend herself.

Another sound of twigs snapping echoed through the silent forest and the creature soon stood before her, growling in pain and anger.

"Remus," Cassie breathed in relief, but still didn't lower her wand. She saw how the werewolf was hurt, with a huge fresh scar stretched across its chest. Cassie winces slightly as she looked at the wounded animal.

Despite being a familiar person, the werewolf didn't seem to take notice of who she was. He slowly inched towards her, with menacing steps, growling at the sight of his prey. Cassie hesitated to cast a spell – she didn't want to hurt him. But he was getting fatally close and Cassie had to survive, she wouldn't let Remus stay with the conscience of killing his own goddaughter.

"Flippendo!" Cassie screamed, causing the werewolf to be thrown back. If the animal was angry before, it was furious now. Wide-eyed, Cassie ran for her life, darting through the trees once again, the magnificent beast close to her trail.

And then the worst thing happened – she tripped. She went spiralling down a little ditch, her wand slipping out of her hand. Her ankle had twisted and she winced in pain. She could hear the werewolf near and tried to stand up and grab her wand, but she knew she wouldn't make it. So, she pushed herself to a covert spot of the ditch, hoping that he wouldn't see her and run along and stay away.

Trying her best not to make a sound, she sat there, quietly, listening intently to the sounds of the forest. She could distinctly hear the dabs of the werewolf's paws nearing her hiding spot by the second. Her breath hitched as she felt the heavy breathing of the animal right atop her head. She covered her mouth, just in case, thinking of happy thoughts while she waited for the wolf to cross. She finally understood why Remus was so scared to be around her. Maybe, if she would have learned to be an Animagus, this situation would have been ten times less bad, but currently, that wasn't the case.

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