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"YOU GOT ANY SCONES? I forgot to grab them while running away from Remus's," Cassie sighed, rubbing her growling stomach, "I need to eat something. Walking in this scorching summer heat on an empty stomach was no help. Not to mention the way I vomited almost the entire week's food an hour ago thanks to apparation. Did anyone tell you apparition sucks? Well, it does. It hurts like a grouse. Never apparate before age. Anyways, I'll be living in your room till we go to the Weasley's for the World Cup. I'm pretty sure Ron would have told you about me accompanying you and Granger. No offence or anything but why was Granger invited? She doesn't even like quidditch. Until and unless this is some golden trio bonding exercise which I will not intervene. Oh and I also met my mother. She's an angel, I tell you. We had a fallout two weeks ago but everything is okay now. She had a very shitty childhood. Did you know mum was older than uncle James? Yeah, she was actually-"

"CASSIE STOP SPEAKING!" Harry yelled out suddenly, making Cassie jump.

"Merlin, what's got you all wound up?" 

"You! You've got me wound up! What are you doing here? How are you even here? How can you even apparate, aren't there lessons for that in the sixth year? And how can you just stroll into my house without any prior notice? What if Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were here? What would you have done then? And where were you for all these days? You just disappeared from the platform and just replied to one of my letters saying 'yeah, I'm alive and fine'. That doesn't help Cassie!! You can't just write five words to me and expect me to understand. Only because you write to Fred did I even get to know about what you were up to!"

"You done now?" Cassie asked unsurely with her lips pursed as she bounced on her heels. 

Harry nodded, still extremely confused and angry at the same time. 

"Cool," Cassie nodded and then walked up the stairs, "Get me some breakfast and then I'll answer all your questions,"

Harry blinked his eyes harshly, staring daggers at Cassie's back and then begrudgingly going to get some bread for the girl.

On the other hand, Cassandra made her way up to Harry's familiar room. It was a mess, as per usual. She never expected him to clean up, considering no one would ever check up on his room since he was a "castaway". 

She softly placed her backpack down. She had cast an extension charm on the bag, hence it carried way more goods than expected. She was in the process of converting it into a house with her mother but had only made slight progress (the basic house structure inside). There were cardboard boxes in each room (three rooms in particular: the parlour, the study and the bedroom). She climbed into the bag and headed into the room to be converted into the bedroom. She crouched beside the box and pulled out a sleeping bag which she could use when she heard Harry's frantic screams. 

Poking her head out of the bag, she gave the boy quite a surprise, making him lose balance and fall flat on his buttocks. 

"I hope you had set the food aside," Cassie smiled sadly, pulling herself out to help him. 

"Wha- How- I-" Harry muttered incoherently, unable to formulate any sentence that made sense. 

"Ever heard of Newt Scamander, Potter?" the Black asked, as she seated him on his bed, joining him by leaning against the wall. The raven-haired boy nodded fervently and then pointed at the plate of toast he had prepared for her. 

"Thank you," she smiled gratefully, grabbing the plate and immediately stuffing her mouth. Swallowing the first bite, she began talking again. 

"Where did you hear of Scamander?"

"He wrote that book for Care of Magical Creatures, didn't he? Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them?" Harry replied, which earned an impressed nod from his cousin. 

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