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A week till I try to charm every Veela I see. I need all the practice I can get," Dean announced, jumping onto the couch Cassie had been sitting on, writing something exciting. 

"And why, in the name of Merlin, would you even attempt to do that?" Cassie scoffed, knowing perfectly how well this plan was going to flop. Dean couldn't even keep his mind straight with Delilah around. Goodness knows what power a Veela would hold over him. 

"Seamus and I had a bet,"

"Of course," Cassie scoffed.

"You don't think I can do it?" Dean gasped, bruising his broken heart, "You have no faith in me,"

"Have you heard yourself talk to Lilah? I think that's proof enough," Cassie reasoned, Dean accepting it begrudgingly. 

"Fine. What are you reading anyway?" he asked, changing the topic. 

"My mother sent me a song that Neville's mother wrote during their time at Hogwarts. It's kind of like an upbeat, cooler, rewritten version of our school anthem. And knowing how ecstatic Hogwarts is about hosting the competition, we have absolutely no performance to showcase. Word from the owls and my secret sources say both Durmstrang and Beauxbatons have spent months practising their welcome performances and what was my intel over Hogwarts' performance? Us singing a karaoke version of the school song. Absolutely, positively, engaging and entertaining, isn't it?"

"That is blasphemy!" Dean exclaimed, alarmed, "This is disrespect and a violation of the artistic talents of the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

"Precisely, which is why I have come up with a plan to save the day," Cassie smirked evilly. 

"Prithee, do indulge me in thy devious thoughts," Dean chuckled, moving in closer to peep into Cassie's notebook as she detailed her idea. 

"Oh there you are!" a cheery voice came from the portrait door making Dean and Cassie look up from mid-discussion.

"Lilah! Hello! Is it four already? I'm so sorry," Cassie began rambling, completely forgetting about their plan to study together for their test the day after. 

"It's quite alright," Delilah brushed off, "Hello Dean!"

"Lily! It's a pleasure to share your company," Dean greeted back formally. 

"Does he always talk like that?" the Hufflepuff mouthed to Cassie who was struggling to hide her amusement.

"Oh, do join us!" Dean continued, failing to notice his posh aristocratic lingo, "We were just discussing our plan to save the reputation of the school,"

"I didn't know the reputation of the school was in danger," Delilah said, surprised at the turn of events.

"With mass murders and Voldermort coming to pay a visit every year, who would ever question such a thing?" Cassie sassed, making Delilah chuckle at the reality, "Anyway, here's the deal ..."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ⁅ - ෴ - ⁆ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

A LOT OF THINGS HAPPENED OVER THE COURSE of that one week. Dean, Cassie and Delilah managed to convince Blaise Zabini to help them in their master plan (after much emotional blackmail from Cassie's end, they finally managed to get him in); Neville almost burst into tears when Cassie gifted him his mother's song and told him how they'd honour her legacy in front of the greatest schools of magic in the world; Harry tried to persuade Sirius and Julia into not coming to Hogwarts as he 'reckons he'd imagined the whole thing' which quite obviously failed; Cassie heard from Delilah (and later Cedric himself) that the latter was planning on competing in the tournament (much to her displeasure but once Cedric had convinced himself of something, it was very hard to persuade him out of it); and Fred and George thanked Cassie for not making them waste their entire savings during their bet with Ludo Bagman as the man had cunningly handed them the fake Irish coins that disappeared the night after. 

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