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"I WOULD REQUEST EVERYBODY TO STAND UPRIGHT AND REPEAT after our school choir led by Professor Flitwick as we sing our school song!" Dumbledore exclaimed and the students of Hogwarts stood up noisily, straightening their uniforms as they discussed their excitement/disinterest to sing the anthem. The fifth, sixth and seventh years found it positively embarrassing after the show-stopping performances the other two schools had put up but the younger students did not mind it at all. 

With the lyrics floating in the air, Dumbledore began flicking his wand over the words as the choir sang. 

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts
Teach us something please!"

"Teach us something please," chorused the choir.

"Whether we be old and bald
Or young with scabby knees
Our heads could do with filling
With some interesting stuff"

And then came a rhythmic thump from the Gryffindor table. The sound quietened a few of the confused students but the choir and the kids in the front kept singing with growing passion. Professors and Heads of the Houses began craning their necks to look at the perpetrators.  Seconds later, the table thumps began at the Hufflepuff and Slytherin tables. Now only the choir was singing the anthem in a softer tone. Good thing Dean suggested keeping a few of the choir members in the loop with their plan so they don't offend the students who worked hard for this. 

"Run past the rivers, run past all the light," sang a voice over the choir, jumping onto the Ravenclaw table. 

Fred stood there, shell-shocked, watching her towering above the students with a look in her eye he'd never seen before. Yet he recognised that look. 

It was the mischievous one. The one seen when someone was causing trouble. 

And right now, she was causing trouble. 

But the good kind of trouble. 

The trouble that would save your arse in important situations like these. 

"Feel it crashing and burning, till it all collides," Blaise Zabini sang, climbing onto his House table. Draco Malfoy and his entire troupe looked horrified yet intrigued at what Zabini had gotten himself stuck into. 

"Strike a match, lit the fire, shining up the sky" two voices harmonised. Dean and Delilah were now on top of the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables respectively. 

"As it all comes down again," they sang together, stomping their feet on the table, "As it all comes down again, as it all comes down again to the sound,"

Students were scared, students were mesmerized. Some began hooting, some began coiling in fright. Professor McGonagall and Snape jumped off their seats, but Dumbledore waved them back. He wanted to see what the Marauder descendant had up her sleeve. Besides, their music was meshing perfectly well with the school song and it was turning into a spectacular performance. 

"The sound of the wind is whispering in your head, Can you feel it coming back?" sang Cassie and Dean, running up the table performing the little soulstepping Dean had learnt over the summers from his champion stepper uncle.

"Through the warmth, through the cold, keep running till we're there," Blaise and Delilah sang together, as Blaise spun her through the longitudinal table after leaping onto her's very gracefully. 

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