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CEDRIC DIGGORY'S PARTY WAS ... FUN. If George had to be honest, he would have enjoyed this any other day but today, not so much. Unlike his brother, a total party freak and raver, George could manage perfectly well in a quiet, subtle, soft music, socialising party – which is precisely what this was: people sprawled all around the Common Room, talking animatedly, verbally replaying the entire event that happened today; Cedric Diggory and his still-repairing-face awkwardly listening and dealing with the flirtations of almost every girl in the party; few couples nesting in the dark corners of the room, huddled in each others company and most importantly, Cassandra Black swaying to the music near the fireplace, looking drunk with happiness, a group of boys watching her with wonder-filled eyes but so scared to approach her when a surly Blaise Zabini was holding them off. 

"Hi!" George smiled into Cassie's view. He could almost hear the group of boys curse him under their breath. 

"Georgie!" Cassie grinned and suddenly, the room lit up for George. He could understand why Fred was so in love with her (George's words, not Fred's), "What brings you to the humble common room of the Hufflepuffs?"

"The kitchens, you, and a very special girl," George listed out, his arm resting on the mantle. 

"Ooo, is Miss Pretty Ravenclaw a guest at this party?" Cassie beamed, swaying slightly as she looked at the boy.

"Are you drunk?"

"Oh, no," Cassie laughed, straightening her posture immediately, "I'm messing around with those idiots who wanted to approach me. I was going to act a little tipsy, Bez was going to scare them off, then he'd walk off for a quick minute while I'd wait to see who actually has the balls to come and talk to me and if I felt good, I'd see where to take it from there,"

"You're a heartbreaker, Black," George gasped, hand on his chest, smirking with pride, "Took a page from Fred's book eh?"

"Oh please, have you never heard the marvellous tales of my darling father's time in this fine institution?" Cassie scoffed. 

"So it runs in the family?" 

"From both sides," she winked, "But seriously, what brings you here?"

"Kitchens, you and a very special girl," George repeated, "I've got a stack of food and drinks packed in a box right outside that door and a very hungry group of Gryffindors upstairs. Fred's outside, waiting for you and guarding our food and I'm in here to get you and also convince you to invite my very special lady and her friends – your friends are welcome too, including Zabini – to our much louder and much more exciting party at the Gryffindor Common Room,"

"How about I just stand next to you as moral support and professional wingwoman while you ask your very special lady to our much louder and much more exciting party at the Gryffindor Common Room?" Cassie smirked, quoting George dramatically, making him let out of chuckle. 

"Deal," George shook her hand and led her to ... Delilah Diggory?!

"Oh hey, George!" Delilah grinned and Cassie's eyes flew wide. Delilah and George?! Dean was going to be heartbroken. "Joan is stuck talking to some weird fourth year who wants to take her out on a date and .. oh look, there's her signal for wanting a saviour. Go! Be her knight in shining armour!"

And with that, George was shoved forward towards the staircase that led to the Hufflepuff dormitories, Cassie in tow, for George had made sure to grab her hand and force her along.

So not Delilah Diggory but instead Delilah Diggory's very beautiful and very blonde friend who was currently engaged in a conversation she was very interested in not having.  


Dean was not going to have his heart broken.

"Joan!" George exclaimed, his voice weirdly high, his face immediately cringing as he repeated her name in a lower, more normal tone. 

"Georgie!" Joan sighed, grinning from ear to ear on sighting the ginger, his name pronounced with a thick French accent that made George's heart flutter and Cassie smile, "I was just telling this ... boy (Joan was about to say gentleman but decided against the word since the boy in question was in no way gentle or a man) about our last trip to Hogsmeade. We really should go together again,"

George just stood there, flabbergasted, grinning like a madman, shaking his head awkwardly. 

"He would love that," Cassie laughed, filling in for the speechless Goerge, "Cassie, by the way,"

"Oh, I know who you are," Joan winked, looking at George as if sharing secrets with their eyes, "You're the girl who flipped the bird at Snape,"

Cassie may not have noticed while she blushed and waved off Joan's shower of compliments over her bravado but George had most definitely let out a sigh of relief. 

"So.." Joan trailed off, facing the fourth-year Cassie recognised to be Gregory Sayre. 

"Gregory," the boy grumbled, upset over losing his chance with Joan to a dirty Weasley (his thoughts). 

"I shall be accompanying my date for tonight who finally decided to come pick me up," Joan continued with a hint of sarcasm and winked at George, "Thank you for that riveting conversation,"

"You could do better," Sayre rolled his eyes before mumbling a series of cusses at George.

"Aw, it's okay Sayre, you always have Parkinson!" Cassie yelled out as he passed her, calling back to his days of following around Pansy Parkinson during the balls the Malfoys used to host and attend during the summers. 

"She still says no," Sayre yelled back, red-faced before running out of the party. 

"What's got your knickers in a twist, Georgie," Joan laughed, staring at George who still hadn't spoken a word. 

"You look ... breathtaking," George gasped, taking Joan by her hand and spinning her around to see her dress. It was a simple summer dress, paired with a leather jacket Cassie now recognised as George's (it had a 'g' stitched on its sleeve and was originally owned by Gideon Prewett) along with some combat boots. The Black had to agree, Joan did look rather breathtaking. 

"Oh hush," Joan blushed at his compliment, standing up on her toes to plant a kiss on George's cheek. Cassie turned the other way and mock retched. 

"You guys are disgustingly cute,"

"Aw, I agree," a voice came from behind Cassie, a familiar arm lazily tossed around her shoulder. This time, Cassie's heart fluttered. 

"Fred, what are you doing here?" George blinked, his fingers now interlocked with Joan's. 

"You were taking too long so I made Blaise stand and guard our stuff ... and now on second thought that was a terrible idea because that bastard is a Slytherin – no offence, Cas – and he probably just stole all our stuff,"

Next thing you know, Joan and Cassie were standing alone, the twins rushing past the crowd back to the door to make sure none of their loot was stolen. 

"Boys," Cassie and Joan sighed in sync, laughing at their synchronization as they followed their respective Weasley out the door. 

The sight outside, however, was somewhat surprising: Fred Weasley was hugging a stiff and confused Blaise Zabini, apologising for doubting him. 

"Help me," Blaise mouthed as Fred went on and on about how Blaise was one of the good ones. 

"Cherish it," Cassie mouthed back with a teasing smile, only to be secretly flipped off by him, to which she sent him a flying kiss and made a heart with her hands mouthing, "I love you too,"

"Okay," George finally drags out, "Let's get the ammunition to the best party of your life!"

Cassie and Blaise looked at each other and snorted. 

"Hard to top the Rager of '89," Blaise shrugged. 

"Best welcome party of my life," Cassie nodded in return, the two of them smiling to themselves at the memories of the (metaphoric) crack-filled party. 

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