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CASSIE MADE HER WAY THROUGH the numerous tents, purposely trying to find her way to the Bulgarian Quidditch Team's tent. She'd separated from Fred and George a few moments earlier after helping them find some logs to start a fire. The trio didn't particularly talk much: just George asking how Cassie was being so chummy with Diggory for which the girl casually replied with him being a part of her Ministry friend group along with Bill (the twins later checked with Bill if that was true and turns out it was. Cedric wasn't very participative in the group, but pretty much always hung out with them).

She met Cedric on her way — he was busy going to fetch some water for himself — and she told him about her going to check if Simon had really made it to the team or not. Cedric promised he'd join her once he was done with his work and properly setting up the tent. Now, with the sun newly risen and the mist lifting, they could see the city of tents that stretched in every direction.

After passing through a bright set of green tents showing their patriotism and support to the Ireland team, Cassie finally found her way to where the Bulgarian tents were set. 

Soon she spotted sight of the humongous official team tent — the picture of which she's seen many a time in Simon's wallet. The main structure always looked the same: a huge long bus-sized tent with a long porch-like entrance with great security around it. It was always red in colour with massive posters of its players surrounding it, screaming out 'Bulgaria' which was slowly starting to give the Black a headache. Cassie whipped out her official Ministry Card (she barely used it, but this time she felt like she certainly should flex it) at the guards and got herself inside the tent. 

The tent was bustling with energy. There were quidditch players running from one room to another, coaches blowing their whistles to ensure order was seen. Waiters and servers dashing around with plates, both empty and full. Cassie walked through the crowd, ducking here and there when servers hurriedly rushed past her. She took many turns until she found herself in a room that looked a lot like a locker room for the team. 

Seemingly devoid of anyone, Cassie walked around, reading the names on every locker, running her fingers through the name engravings. She stopped at the one name she'd been looking for this whole time: Simon Carakrass. 

A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she traced her finger on his name. 

"You made it," she whispered, proud of how her friend's futures were shaping up exactly as they imagined. 

"Vat ar' you doing 'ere?" a thickly accented voice exclaimed harshly from behind Cassie, making her spin around in alarm. 

"Hi!" she said immediately, her eyes falling on the figure in front of her. He was practically naked apart from the fact that he had a towel draped around his waist. His well-toned body seemed to drip water on the ceramic-tiled floor below them. Cassie instinctively covered her eyes to give this man some privacy, speaking once again. 

"So sorry! I didn't know anyone was here! I was looking for my friend and got distracted," 

"Don't lie," he growled, walking closer to her, "Vat ar' you really doing 'ere?"

"I'm not lying," Cassie exclaimed, putting her hand down to look at this man in the face, "I don't lie,"

"What happened?" another man's voice was heard, but this one didn't have the same accent as this man who was accusing her of lying. This one sound more ... English.

"I thought I heard some —" the man emerged from behind the lockers. His shaggy brown hair was wet and combed back with fingers and he wore a tight first layering of his quidditch uniform, curving around his muscular body. If it wasn't for his familiar hazel eyes, Cassie would have never recognised the new member who'd joined them in the room. 

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