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"SERIOUSLY? ARE you kidding me?" Cassie deadpanned as Julianna attempted to stifle her laugh. The young Black stood in front of her mother, hands on her hips, nostrils flaring in frustration. 

"You look handsome?" Julia tried saying in an attempt to uplift Cassie's mood. 

"I don't want to look handsome! I want to look like a woman!" Cassie groaned as she squeezed her eyes shut, the memory rushing back into her brain. 

The moment Cassie had gotten into the room, she had transformed into something she least expected — a stark naked man. Unfortunately for her, she was standing right in front of the mirror so she was in clear view of what was down there. Having photographic memory wasn't much of a help either. 

"Who's hair did I drink?" Cassie scowled, putting a scarf around her bearded neck as the mother-daughter walked out of the house. Remus was howling with laughter inside the abode which earned him no chocolates for the rest of the week (they'd run out of chocolates and now Cassie refused to stock them back). 

"Damon Valentine," Julia sighed, grabbing her (or should I say, his) arm, making their way through the field towards the market. It was a long but quite riveting walk so neither complained about leaving their wands at home. 

"Half-Blood. He was a classmate of mine. Friend of my ... ex," she explained, hesitating slightly over the last word. 

"And who are you?" 

"Fruga Murphy-Valentine, Damon's muggle-born girlfriend and now wife. I met them a few years ago in Japan. Damon is a Magizoologist with an extreme fascination for Nifflers and Fruga is a housewife and also works for muggle charities,"

"I hope we don't bump into any of Damon's friends, I will not be able to keep up a conversation about Nifflers," Cassie scoffed, raising her hands up in the air. 

"I'll be by your side the whole time, don't worry," Julia assured. 

"I've kind of lost my trust after the man thing, mum," Cassandra laughed, make Julia dig her head into her daughter's manly arm out of embarrassment. 

They made their way to the market as Cassie explained the previous expedition she had had with Polyjuice potion. The two began with the list at once, entering the first grocery store they could find. 

The crowd slightly overwhelmed Julia while Cassie walked around in a flustered fashion continuously being reminded she was a man after finding many young women checking her out. 

While Cassie shopped at the dairy farm, Julia bought all the vegetables and fruits required from the vendor outside. While the vendor filled her bags, Julia couldn't help but hear an all too familiar voice. She turned around, still unsure of whether she guessed the voice correctly and saw him walk towards the shop, a little girl in his arm, laughing as he tickled her with the arm he held her with. 

Julia had never run faster into a shop than she had today. She rushed to Cassie and quickly twirled her around, whispering, "Kiss me,"

"Absolutely not, I draw the line there!" Cassie exclaimed, taking a step back. 

"Cassie please!" Julia begged urgently, trying to grasp Cassie's wiggling hands. 

"No, no, no, no, no" the Black repeated, beginning to run away from her mother who was, frankly speaking, acting quite cynical at the moment. 

Alas, in the process Cassie ended up bumping the exact person Julia wanted to run away from.

"Excuse me, sir," Cassie said, pushing the man aside, making her way down to the exit of the shop when the latter forestalled him. 

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