Chapter 6

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Your P.O.V.

"You're lucky you weren't killed". Hermione reads the Daily Prophet as she walks along side Harry.

The headline is gloomy: "MORE DISAPPEARANCES."

"You have to realize who you two are." She continues.

"I know who I am, Hermione,alright?" Harry responds sharply

I look at myself and realize what she means I am wrapped in bandages and looking half like a mummy. "Sorry." I hear Harry respond. "I don't wanna think about what would have happened if I had lost (Y/n)." He frowns, a sad look starting to appear on his face.

"So tell me what Arthur said." Hermione quickly changes the subject.

"If Dumbledore's traveling places,it's news to the Ministry. Butget this: that night at Borgin &Burkes? It seems Draco waslooking at a Vanishing Cabinet."

"What would a dumb ass like Draco want with aVanishing Cabinet?" I ask as if I hadnt been listening in to their conversation.

"You tell me." He responds and I nearly feel bad as I start to think that he may have noticed me after all.

Hermione frowns, pondering this for only a moment before suddenly speaking up "0He looks different don't youthink? Draco. Almost... ill."

"Who could tell the difference?"

"Come on Harry, Just because he can put a vampire to shame does not mean that he can't look sick." I earn a chuckle from both before we hear Ron.

"Lav, c'mon. Of course I'll wearit."

The three of us glance ahead to see Ron and a pouting Lavender. Ronholds a gold chain which spells out "My Sweetheart." "That's my Won-Won."

"Excuse me, I have to go vomit." Hermione says as I mimic Lavender whispering Won Won? 

When Hermione leaves I look at harry with a confused look on my face and he just shakes his head in confusion and we walk past the groups. When we had finally gotten past them Harry speaks up. "(Y/n), I need to talk to you. Properly talk to you."

"Of course Harry, what's going on?" I ask looking at him with curiosity.

"When we were at Ron's the night that everything had happened with the death eaters, Why did you..." We arrive at the top of the tower leading to the owls. "Why did you help me? After everything I had put you through, you should have and very well could have left me with the death eaters, but you didn't. Why not?"

I give him the most serious face I have ever given anyone. "Yes its true that you put me through a lot and put me in a bad spot, however, I helped you because I love you and that will not change. You are who you are and you are going through a hard time, however from now on I refuse to let you treat me like that, I will talk back, I will yell back if you ever try that again, I would rather talk the problems out however." (O/n) flies down to me landing on my arm. "How are you (O/n)? I apologize for not coming to see you, but as you can see I had quite a ruckus at the Weasley house."

He cocks his head at me and I let out a small laugh. "What does that mean?" Harry asked curiously.

I explain how I have taught (O/n) to communicate to me better through signals like that, The speed at which he turned his head was sarcastic like giving me an unheard Really from my feathered friend.

Time gets wrapped up in bandages (Time Skip)

Harry's P.O.V.  

Dumbledore has called me to his office with no explanation as usual. I let (Y/n) know I would be back soon as I left her in the common room to study. When I get to Dumbledore's office I knock to no answer. I peak my head in to find an empty room. As always. I walk in and debate waiting by his desk when I notice that the Pensieve has a memory glowing in it. I resist the urge to roll my eye's at Dumbledore's consistent need for the flare of the dramatic. I walk over and with little hesitation I stick my head into the Pensieve.

The Chosen Two (Harry Potter X Reader) Years 1-7Where stories live. Discover now