Chapter 4

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I sit in the room next to Harry rather uncomfortable. I don't like being around people even if they are ones that are in my class or are people I know of but do not completely know. I sit close to Harry and I notice Cho starring at Harry and I can feel myself start to get jealous to the point of it being unhealthy... Hermione stands up and starts to awkwardly talk in front of the group, stuttering and forcing her voice to be loud. "Um. Hi. So, you all know why we are here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher." She adds the last bit a little quietly. "One's who've had real experience defending themselves against the dark arts."

"Why?" One of the random people in the crowd says.

"Why?" Ron repeats, "Because You-Know-Who is back you tosh pop."

"So they say." The same boy says again and I just want to get out of there as fast as I can, Cho's starring isn't helping it at all.

"So Dumbledore says." Hermione defends.

"So Dumbledore say's because they say." Again the same boy. "The point is, where's the proof?"

Harry shakes his head and I put a hand on his arm. A boy sitting next to Ginny decides to be brave. "Potter and Gryffindor can tell us more about how Diggery got killed."

Everybody goes silent and I could feel the anger welling up inside Harry as he wanted to curse the boy for even bringing it up. "I am not going to talk about Cedric, so if that's why you're here you might as well clear out now." Harry stands in the middle of his sentence then turns to Hermione as I stand up after him. "Come on Hermione let's go, they're just here because they think we're some freaks."

He goes to turn around and walk out but Hermione grabs his arm and whisper's, "Wait."

"Is it true that you can produce the patronus charm?" (Yes, I know I spell it wrong.) Luna asks from the back and I can feel a spark of shock in Harry and then recognition.

Harry doesn't say anything but tries to mouth the word 'well'. "Yes." Hermione says. She looks at us and then back at the crowd. "I've seen it."

"Blimey Harry and (Y/n) I didn't know that you could do that." A boy says who is sitting next to Neville.

"A-a-a-and they killed a Basilisk." Neville tries to say with confidence and I feel hope welling inside my chest. "With the sword in Dumbledore's office."

"It's true." Ginny says.

"Third year they fought about a hundred Dementors at once, and (Y/n) protected Harry from death eaters that were at the world cup." Hope had swelled my chest but I still had nothing to say.

"And last year they really did fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh." And just like that the hope was gone and Harry's doubt filled us both.

I could feel something else as well. I could feel guilt and sadness. "Alright." Harry said and took a step and a half forward. "Look. It all sound's great when you say it like that, but the truth is most of that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time." He looks at me for this next sentence. "I always had help." He looked back to the small crowd of people.

"He's just being modest." Hermione tries in an effort to get them all to stay.

"No, Hermione, he's not." I say and stand closer to Harry. "Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow but out there..."

"When you're a second away from being murdered, or watching a friend die before your eye's." Harry starts speaking for me. "You don't know what that's like. What it is like to see the one's closest to you put in life-threatening situation and not knowing how to help or how you can save them even though they would have figured out a way to save you." I feel all of Harry's guilt.

The Chosen Two (Harry Potter X Reader) Years 1-7Where stories live. Discover now