Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire: Chapter 1

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(Forget that I ever said that I was feeling better right after I put up that update I ended up going to the doctors. Oh and my mom got e a tablet with a keyboard so it's like a computer so updates should be faster but don't hold me to it cause I am still sick)

I yawn as I pick up a bunch of plates and set them out, then say to Ron's mother, "I'm helping put plates down for breakfast, how many will you need?"

"Who said that? (Y/n) was that you?"

"Yes Mrs. Weasly."

"Your voice has changed so much over the summer. Come to think of it, I've yet to look you in the face yet. Turn around." I set the stack of plates down and turn around. "Oh my.... oh my goodness. Are you really (Y/n)?"

"Yes. Whats wrong?" I ask, curious.

"You dont look anything like you did last year. You look like an angel."

"Thank you but I honestly haven't changed that much."

"Oh, now your just being shy. Come here and give me a hug." I do as she says happily and try not to squeeze her to much. "I've missed your hugs. They bring me so much happyness."

My three friends come dwn the stairs and I stand there waiting for them to notice me. Hermione is the first to, and the first to hug me. I snuck in here after she did. Then Ron. I look up to find Harry sitting down wth his head laid on his arms. I knew something was up, but I decide to be sarcastic to try and lighten the mood. "I thought that you would have had more entustiastic about seeing an old friend that you haven't seen all summer but guess a table and arms must be way better."

his head shoots up and I try not to smile but can't help it so I turn my back to him. "I didn't know you were here." I shake my head. "Come on I didn't know."

I don' turn around or do anything. I'm suddenly lifted up by my waist and I let out a yelp of surprise and laugh a little, but the sudden movement caught e off guard and I flail my arms and legs and Harry and I go down. I manage to turn around as Harry wraps his arms around. We hit the ground and I'm only half thankful that I turned around because if I hadn't the back of my head would have whacked Harry's lip or something and busted it. I'm not because we nearly kiss. I get up quickly, pulling him up with me and give him a hug so I can hide my face that is now putting an apple to shame. I sit down next to Harry cause Hermione makes me, we eat and after I grab a small bag that has dangling leather then, we head out as we go out the door, I look Harry dead in the eye's and run my pinky across my nose before turning around and walking away. We decided over summer that if either one of us need to talk to the other about something important and were in a crowd or around friends, thats what we would do, however if we aren't around each other we would use the gift that I had made and given to our friends to let us know that were needed, although with Harry and I we just seem to know. I need t talk to him about the reams that I've been having about Voldemort. I get lost in thought trying to think about what they mean and what they could possibly have to do with anything just until I bump into Hermione. I apologize, she accepts, and then someone falls out of a tree. It's Cedric, My qudditch (is that how you spell that?) captain. "And this strapping young man must be cedric, am I right?"

"As right as right can be. I didn't think that I would see you until quidditch started back up."

"Nor did I."

We continue walking and Cedric and I talk non stop about whatever comes into our mind and mainly quidditch. I look back and Harry seems sad. I excuse myself from Cedric and drop back to talk to Harry and we drop back behind Ron. "So what is it that you wanted to tell me?" He sounds agitated but I don't question it further.

The Chosen Two (Harry Potter X Reader) Years 1-7Where stories live. Discover now