Chapter 6

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Harry's P.O.V.

I run down to her side just as she forces her right hand down to keep her balance look from Sirius to me and in between the both of us. She's in worse shape than he is but she wants me to help him before her. I notice the pond freezing trapping (Y/n)'s legs. Sirius opens his eye's and screams before closing them again. (Y/n) and I look up at the sky to see dementors flying around every where. One fly's down and start sucking the soul out of sirius. I couldn't take it. I stood up, pulled out my wand and shouted as loud as I could, "Expecto Patronum" (I don't know how to spell it)

The light was little and reflect two dementor's before failing. The third dementor came down and sucked at my life for what felt like forever but was only mere second's and I screamed. From where she sat she sent a light up from her wand but with one attack it went out and one by one they started sucking out our life. Some went from one to two. After a time, through a part in Sirius' lips a blue ball came from it. I look up to see the dementors circle in around us but in between a gap in them I saw a bright blue stag. It's a Patronus animal. Beside it, there is a Patronus dragon. Is there someone that's really that powerful in order to have a dragon as their Patronus. Something filtered behind them and a bright light shines from them. Greater than what I could ever do. (Three times the size it normally was) the dragon seemed like it was breathing fire as the light came from its mouth sending all the dementors away. Once they had been sent away the light faded and so did my vision but I saw Sirius' soul float back into the part in his lips. (Y/n) was already on the ground but I managed to go over to her and hold her in my arms before she passes out and as the light faded to near nothing except the stag and the dragon, I laid down and let myself be taken by darkness resting (Y/n) just to the side pf me, my right arm over her.

The Patronus stag and dragon made time pass the light (time skip)

First thing that I do when I wake up knowing I'm in the hospital wing I say, "I saw my dad."

His Patronus is a stag, it has to be him. "What?" Hermione asks.

"He sent the dementors away. I saw him across the lake."

"Listen Harry, they've captured Sirius. Any minute the dementor's are going to preform a kiss."

"You mean their going to kill him?" I ask sitting up grabbing my glasses and putting them on my face.

"No it's worse. Much worse."

I look up at her confused. "Their going to suck out his soul." I heard (Y/n) say.

I turn my head to see her in her bloodied tank top. How could I have forgotten her. She's sitting at the end of her bed seemingly fine other than the slightly tainted red bandages on her shoulders. She has her hand's folded in her lap, her head down and her gaze locked on her hand's unblinking. Dumbledore comes through the door's and Hermione turn's to him and say's, "Head master, you've got to stop them. They've got the wrong man."

"It's true sir. Sirius is innocent." I back her up.

"Scabbers' the one that did it." Ron said speaking up causing me to look at him and see that he has a cast on his injured leg.

"Scabbers?" Dumbledore questions.

"He's my rat sir. Well he's not really a rat, when he was a rat, he was my brother Percy's rat, then they gave him an owl and..." Ron tries explaining.

"Point is we know the truth." Hermione says. "Please believe us."

"I do miss Granger," my hope rose, "but I'm sorry to say that the word of four thirteen year old wizard's will convince few others." He walks over to Ron. "A child's voice, however honest and true, is meaningless," he pats Ron's leg causing him to flinch and whimper. "for those who have forgotten how to listen." He pats his leg again causing the same reaction then a scowl from Ron.

The Chosen Two (Harry Potter X Reader) Years 1-7Where stories live. Discover now