Chapter 7

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Harry's P.O.V.

My heart felt like ot had just died with (Y/n). I scream as someone holds me back. I lool over and see Bellatrix Lestrange looking at us with a sick look. I break frew and run after her as she slips out the door. I dont know where we are, only that it has a lot of fire places. I use the cruciatus curse. She falls and turns around, her wand far from her, my vision blurry with anger. I hear a voice in my head. "You've got to mean it Harry. She killed her. She deserves it. You know the spell Harry." I know this is wrong, I dont know why but its not a devil angle thing.

Suddenly Bellatrix laughs. i look to my left and Voldemort is standing there. I raise my wand at him but he easily casts it aside and smiles at me "So. Weak."

One of the fireplaces catch and Dumbledore steps out getting both of our attention. "It was foolish for yoy to come here tonight Tom. The orders are on their way."

"By which time I will be gone. And you, shall be dead." He makes a sort of waving gesture with his hand.

I dive near one of the fire places as the fighting starts and sit there. I cant help but to think that (Y/n) it dead because of me. I couldn't hold her in my arms she is just gone. The one person I loved the most in the world is gone. Suddenly lightning cracks above my head my head causing debree to fall. Suddenly Volemort makes a snake out of fire. As it tries to attack Dumbledore reduces it to nothing, the heat being able to feel from here, and sent it at Voldemort. Voldemort disperses of it and Dumbledore takes the water out of the fountain trapping him in a giant water ball. I stand up and get behind him and just as Voldemort thrashes out of the water he sends me backwards with a spell. Voldemort then tries to send something at Dumbledore who blocks it with a word. He sent a sound wave that destroys all the windows and the glass falls to the floor. Surprisingly not cutting either of us. Voldemort then raises it from the ground and shoots it at us like a gun. Dumbledore manages to vaporize the glass basically and we stand up. Voldemort makes himself go up in... Glass and is gone for a moment. Suddenly I don't feel alone, but it isn't the kind of company I want. I'm suddenly in pain and I fall to the ground hardly being able to breath. Dumbledore gets down beside me. "You've... You've lost old man." A voice says that isn't mine.

All I feel is pain as images flash through my head. My mother screaming. (Y/n) dieing. Cedric dieing. I am being forced to watch it all. The dementors, Cedric dying again. (Y/n) falling into the archway and me feeling helpless about it. The nightmare I had about Mr. Weasley getting attacked. "So weak." Voldemort mocks and more painful images flash through my mind, me being alone and having to watch this all as he points his wand at me. "So vulnerable." I am looking in a mirror and my face changes to that of Voldemort. "Look at me." 

"Harry. It isn't how you are alike.It's how you are not." Dumbledore tries saying but all I can feel is the pain from the cruciartus (I know that isnt how you spell it but I am on a laptop and cannot speak type atm so... there you go.) Curse. 

Suddenly I see all my friends run out and Sirius and the sadden look on his face when he see's me. He just lost his daughter and now he is about to lose his god son all in one hour."Harry." I hear my name being called like a whisper from (Y/n)'s lips. "D not think about how you are the same. think about how you are different. you have something he will never have Harry. You have friends and you have love." And just like that good memories pass through my head seeming to get rid of most the pain.

The memories of Hermione hugging me after she came back from being paralyzed, the smile and inside laughter Ron and I felt when he was supposed to be getting in trouble by his father but instead was basically praised until his mother said something, seeing my mother and my father in the mirror hugging Sirius over Christmas break after we had the chance to talk, laughing with Ron, Hermione, and (Y/n) after scaring the crap out of Malfoy and his goons, Ron and Hermione smiling at me from on top of the balcony as I walked with (Y/n), Hermione laughing at herself with Ron and I. I realize how much my friends mean to me and how much (Y/n) means to me, not because she protects me but because she loves me for who I am and honestly probably always had, but now she is gone. Suddenly I am taken back to the mirror that I had changed into Voldemort and she came up behind me and placed her hands on my shoulder. I could feel them. I looked behind me and I swear I saw her. "Harry, you have to fight against Voldemort. Think about what he does not have that you do."

The Chosen Two (Harry Potter X Reader) Years 1-7Where stories live. Discover now