Chapter 5

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Your p.o.v.

School started up again and Ron, Hermione, Harry, and I were sitting at one of the round tables in divination. Well, Ron was sleeping and Harry had his head resting on his hands nearly asleep as well. Only Hermione and I were sat up listening- well she was listening, I was stareing off trying to force myself to think of something other than what tonight held in store. Let's see, I could think about the patronus charm and what my possible patronus animal actually is, there are my classes, there is my owl, (speaking of which, I am going to change it so you can name him whatever you want but he has to be a he not she, thank you), my friends.... Harry.... We've grown rather close lately and I like it, but I feel as though Harry is going to choose Cho instead of me. At least, I'll have him as a friend, I couldn't bear it if I were to completely loose him. I wonder how he actually feels about me though, that would give me a much better Idea and some clarity on how to feel towards him. Hermione suddenly gets up and walks out of the class room. "Was it something I said?" The professor asked.

I give her a sympathetic look and walk out to Hermione, she was at the bottom of the stairs sitting there, waiting for me. I place a hand on her shoulder and she looks at me yet before I can say anything she says, "Don't talk. You'll cry. I can see the tears in your eye's, that's why you haven't been talking for the past week. You want to let it out but it's never a good time and here I am getting upset over something stupid while you need someone to listen to you. If you want to let it out now then I'll listen."

I pull out my half of the time turner and hold it in my palm. She gives me a sad look but pulls her half of the time turner out. We connected them and spun it once going back in time. By now we must be a year older, this must have some effect on how we are tracked by the ministry too. In our class again I try to detract myself from everything and try to hide in a bubble.

The bell finally rings and I go to leave, I just get out of the room when I get a strange feeling. Harry? Without a word I run to the divination room but just as I turn the corner to go up the stairs I run straight into Harry, drop my books, slip on a piece of paper, and start to fall. I feel a firm grip grab my arm and pull me up causing me to slip on a folder and fall forward and against Harry's chest. I freeze not sure what to do. "You okay?" He asks, his voice unsteady.

I back away from him and look at his face, he really pale and looks really frightened. I tilt my head slightly not saying a word and he says, "Yeah I'm okay. Were going to go to Hagrid after changing, do you want to come with us?"

I nod my head and he helps me pick up my stuff. I had to make sure he was okay. I go to the common room get changed into a white tank top, a long sleeved red and black flannel, tying it around my waist, blue socks, black sneaker's and a pair of jeans, and meet everyone by the big clock.

Harry's P.O.V.

(Y/n has been really quiet lately and I really hate it but I know that she's deal in with Buckbeak and all that. Once we've all meet at the big clock, (Y/n) seemed really unnerved and it pain's me to see her like this. I give her a quick side hug and after ward she interlocks our arms and held onto my arm with her other hand. As we walk through the court yard there is a scraping sound and what soon came into veiw, an executioner, sharpening his axe. He's going to kill Buckbeak. (Y/n) clung to my arm even more as we passed and still didn't let go. When we were almost to where the big rocks are Hermione said, "I cam't believe their going to kill Buckbeak. It's just to horrible."

(Y/n) rested her head on my shoulder and we continued walking for only a moment before wesee Malfoy and his goon's, looking down at Hagrids and laughing. (Y/n) stands up straight as Hermione starts walking out the arch way. We all follow as fast as we can and (Y/n) lets go of me and I how onto her arm. "You." Hermione says raising their attention of us.

The Chosen Two (Harry Potter X Reader) Years 1-7Where stories live. Discover now