Chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V.

(Somebody please do an otto correct on this it doesn't give me the option to and I have no Idea how to spell?)

The train ride to Hogwarts was tense, not only with (Y/n) being sent there imediately because of her condition but because of the dark mark that formed in the sky after the world cup and then almost being blamed for it. "Anything from the trolly."

The nice old lady calls and I stand up to grab money from my trunk and Ron got money from his pocket. As she came up to our door she asks, "Anything from the trolly dears?"

Ron stands up and goes to the door and says, "A packet of droobles and a licerish wand." He looks at the money in his hand and then says, "On second thought, just the droobles. Just the droobles."

I look out at the cart and just before I can say anything I hear Cho say, "Two pumpkin passy's please."

I look behind me to see her and two of her friends. When they notice that I'm staring at Cho they giggle and walk away. "Anything sweet for you dear?"

It took me a moment to realize that she was talking to me before I said, "Oh no. I'm not hungry."

She walks away as sit down calling out 'Anything from the trolly.'

I start thinking about my feelings for Cho and if they are stronger than the ones that I feel for (Y/n) or vise versa and I block out what Hermione and Ron are talking about. (Y/n) and I have been friends for years but I've liked Cho longer than I've liked (Y/n) but (Y/n) is always protecting me and I can barley talk to Cho. I think back to when (Y/n) saved e fro the dementors during our game and down at the lake with Sirius. She seemed so protective. I rub my head as it started to itch and I almost don't catch what Hermione says. "It's hurting again isnt it?" I look at her confused. "Your scar?"

"I'm fine." I say flatly.

"You know that Sirius will want to hear about this. What you saw at the world cup and the dream."

I get out a piece of parchment, a quill, and an ink well. I write to him explaining what I saw at the world cup and the dream, then I update hi on (Y/n) condition since he wont know unless someone sends him a letter like I'm doing. Hedwig I send Hedwig out the window making sure she knows where to go. I sit down and again think about my feeling for Cho and (Y/n). I think Cho likes me but I can't be certain, and I have no idea how (Y/n) feels about me but when I was muttering under my breath about liking her I didn't take in account for her hyperactive hearing so she could have heard me and I'm almost certain she did, yet I'm surprised that she can turn into different animals. I wonder if I should tell sirius about my feelings for her, but he might be one sided considering that (Y/n) is his daughter. I wish things were a lot more easier than what they are. before I knew it, we were at Hogwarts. When we got there, everyone piled on the really long bridge to watch Hagrid waves in a pegasus drawn carriage. He turns around, then turns back around and tries to wave them in a different direction but ends up diving to the left to get out of the way. Next, we all see a very small boat sailing fast across the water. Suddenly it raises up and under it lies a much larger boat. We all eventually go inside and wait with our houses as we wait for the first years to come in and get sorted.

Your P.O.V.

I wake up and I already know that I am in the Hogwarts hospital. I sit up and see a simple yet fancy dress sitting on the end of the bed with a pair of matching flats cause every one here knows that I cannot walk in heals if it were to save my life, and I have to think all the way through the summer to try to remember what special event was going to go on this year and then it hits me like a wave of misfortune because I know what this year will have in store and I know that by pure "chance" Harry or I will be picked. I sit up and slowly get up and change. as I change I feel sore and slightly stiff but I can see clearly that the gash in my side has been healed. After I get changed I slowly leave the hospital wing and slowly make my way to the Great Hall. When I get there I see a group of girls and a group of boys standing outside the doors. I make my way down the stairs leaning against the wall and using the rail to keep me up right. I see that Filch has spotted me and he runs into the great hall. I limp down the stairs and once at the bottom I run a hand across the wall to lean on and to help keep me up and steady. The two groups looks at me, some sympathetically, others curious and a few both. I open a door to the Great Hall just enough to get in but then Filch runs back out again. I go into the great hall and I'm about to go around the side f the room to get up front when Dumbledore waves me up to the front to where he is and as he continues talking I ignore the pain and walk the best I could without a limp down the wide spaces in between two of the house tables. When I get to him he gives me a hug and makes me face the student's with his left hand on my right shoulder. "For now, please join me in welcome the lovely lady's of the Bobattons Academy of Magic and their head mistriss Madam Vaccine" (How do you spell her name?)

The Chosen Two (Harry Potter X Reader) Years 1-7Where stories live. Discover now