Chapter 5

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Your P.O.V.

Flash! A camera pops, revealing Harry smiling with Slughorn before a photographer named Adrian. The ceiling and walls are draped with hangings of emerald, crimson and gold, so the room feels like a tent... or the inside of a gift box. It is loud and packed with people. "Thank you, Adrian!" Slughorn turns to Harry and say something more.

I take this time to take my leave and get away from the tent before Harry or anyone else can notice me. I have been avoiding him, Hermione and Ron for a few days, I don't want to talk anymore and it's clear that Harry doesn't want to really see me at all recently. "Excuse me, Harry. I must greet the new Minister of Magical Transportation. Mingle, m'boy! Mingle! We're all friends here. And we run the world." I can hear Slughorn say as I walk away.

I glance back and I swear I met eye's with Harry but he doesn't even flinch. He and I were going to go to this Christmas thing together but since I was avoiding him, he had asked Luna and I just went alone. I notice Harry watching Slughorn make a beeline across the room, along the way nodding to the twins, who have apparently come with each other.

Harry's P.O.V.

I have been seeing (Y/n) all night, but she had left a note saying that she had left to go see some distant relatives and wouldn't be back until after the holiday's. I guess I just miss her that much... then again, she has been all that is on my mind since Hermione told me that she has been thinking of breaking up with me. "Drink?" I hear a voice say bringing me out of my thoughts.

I turn to find Neville standing with a tray. "Neville...?" I ask highly confused.

"I didn't make the cut for the Slug Club. It's okay. He's got Belby handing out towels in the loo." As Neville turns away, I notices a pair of girl's feet protruding from beneath a crimson hanging. My gaze rises to find Hermione peeking out. "What're you doing?" I ask as I walk up to her.

Hermione yelps, turns, and pulls me behind the hanging. Her hair is slightly askew, her lipstick a bit blurry. "And what's happened to you?" I continue.

"Hm? Oh, I've just escaped -- I mean, left Cormac. Under the mistletoe."

"Cormac! That's who you invited!" I state and ask.

"I thought it would annoy Ron most. But he's a menace. He's got more tentacles than a Snarfalump plant."

"Dragon tartar?" We turn and find a waiter peeking in, tray in hand. "No thank you."

"Just as well. They give one horribly bad breath."

Hermione grabs the tray from him. "On second thought -- maybe it'll keep Cormac at bay. Oh no, here he comes!" Hermione pops two of the Dragon blobs into her mouth, shoves the tray in my hands and flits away.

Cormac enter the other side of the hanging just as Hermione leaves and walks up to me asking if I knew where she had went. "I think she went to powder her nose."

I look past Cormac's shoulder, out past the hanging and sees Slughorn laughing with a guest. Cormac plucks a dragon blob off the tray in my hand and pops it. "Slippery little minx, your friend. Likes to work her mouth too,doesn't she? Yak yak yak." He seems to realize what he is eating. "What is this I'm eating, by the way?"

"Dragon balls." i say without hesitation.

As Cormac's face freezes, I start to head toward Slughorn when the hanging is sweapt aside and Snape walks through. "What's going on back here?" Cormac then spews raw dragon all over Snape's shoes.

Snape surveys the damage, then his eyes rise darkly. "You've just bought yourself a month's detention, McLaggen."

McLaggen dashes off and I make to follow. "Not so quick, Potter." Snape says stopping me.

The Chosen Two (Harry Potter X Reader) Years 1-7Where stories live. Discover now