Chapter 2

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Your P.O.V.

We trail Draco and Narcissa, who navigate these dark streets with ease. Hermione, lagging a bit, glances up at the darkening sky. Harry, Ron and I duck inside a shop front. At the end of the alley, a single shop glimmers dully: Borgin &Burkes. Narcissa and Draco enter, greet a stopped man and he points. Draco walks to a lacquered cabinetand plays his fingers over its glassy surface. Narcissa speaks and Draco turns, finds Borgin holding the curtain to the back room aside. Draco hesitates, then follows his mother through. "What're they playing at?" Ron asks 

"Dunno. Let's get closer." Harry says.

Ron gives a nod then stops "Hey. Where's Hermione?" 

"You two go and find her I will stay here and see what Draco is doing." I say confident I wont get caught" 

Hermione's P.O.V.

I move through the shadows, alone, peering downside streets, each darker than the next, lost, but holding it together, when a shadow flickers overhead. I look up to see a figure leap from one roof to another and I stand perfectly still. Suddenly I hear voices. I creep to the end of a narrow passage, toward the voices, and finds myself behind Borgin & Burkes and standing there is (Y/n). I walk up behind her as she turns around to see me and she hold a single finger up to her lips and points into the shop. Figures encircle an old cauldron, among them Greyback, Bellatrix, Narcissa, and in the very center... Draco. I squint against the brilliance of the fire, the figures twisting like Giacomettis. Draco extends his left arm when a shadow falls over me, and fingers find my arm. I wheels, terrified to see Ron. "Bloody hell."

"Sorry." Ron whispers sheepishly.

Just then, the cauldron explodes with light. Instantly,the group, including Draco, disperses. "What just happened?" Harry asks

"I don't know." I respond.

Harry stares at the SMOKE drifting from the cauldron. 

The smoke makes time couch itself away (Time Skip)

(Y/n) P.O.V.

"Quibbler...? Quibbler...?" Luna is asking people as she moves down the aisle wearing a pair of red and blue cardboard glasses or spectrespecs identical to the ones modeled by a witch on the cover of the current issue of The Quibbler, a stack of which Luna clutches to her chest. "There's an article on Wrackspurts this month. Quibbler...?"

The students ignore her, including DeanThomas, currently whispering to Ginny, who smiles mildly, more interested in the purple pygmy puff perched on her shoulder. "He's lovely. They've been known to sing on Boxing Day, you know.Quibbler?" Luna asks.

"Please." Ginny take one of the Quibblers from Luna and looks at the front of it. "What's a Wrackspurt?" 

"They're invisible creatures that float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy." Luna responds moving on "Quibbler? Quibbler?"

Harry, Ron Hermione and I sit together. Hermione has a book entitled Advance Rune Translation open on her lap,while Ron lets Harry's invisibility cloak play through his fingers and I have my head resting on harry's shoulder trying to take a nap to get rid of a headache that has found its way to me. "Don't you see, it was a ceremony. An initiation." Harry says kind of out of the blue. 

"Stop, Harry, I know where you're going with this --" 

"It's happened. He's one of them."

"One of what?" Ron asks 

"Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater."

"You're barking. What would You-Know-Who want with a sod like Malfoy?"

The Chosen Two (Harry Potter X Reader) Years 1-7Where stories live. Discover now