Chapter Eleven

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"Who is he out on a date with now?" Addison asks, and I survey the room to try and figure out which girl is missing.

"I think it's Leila," I answer. "I don't see her in here anywhere."

"What about Macy? I don't see her either."

"Macy told me a couple of minutes ago that she was running to the bathroom." And just as I say that Macy comes walking back into the Women's Room. "See. There she is."

"Yeah. He must be with Leila then."

"Is she the fifth girl he's seen today?" I ask.

"Sixth, I think," she says as she looks down at the cup of tea in her hand. I reach over to place my hand on top of hers.

"Don't worry, Addison. Prince Cameron will get to you. He's just spread so thin right now," I tell her, and she nods her head.

"Yeah, I know," she replies. "And I'm not worried that he's not going to ask me on a date. I'm just anxious for it. It's so exciting hearing about all of the dates from the other girls, and I just want to get to experience it as well."

"I get that. But it will happen soon enough. And when it does, I will be right here to listen to every word of it." 

She gives me a smile.


Cameron has been gone on dates all day long. He was with Riley during breakfast, and then after breakfast, Lilian disappeared. And when she came back, another one was swept away. In total, he's been on six dates today, and it's only about an hour after lunch.

This speed dating really caught all of us off guard because the first day, he just went on one date, and that was with me. Yesterday, he went on a lunch date with London and then an afternoon date with Kira. And now today, it feels like a different girl is getting called out every hour to meet him.

It's not like I'm upset about this. After all, it is the Selection. He does have to date all of us at the same time to try and figure out who's the one who is meant for him. And I don't even know if I like him in that way yet. 

Plus, I just saw him last night when he came to my room to talk. Which I have not told the girls about. A lot of them are still waiting for their first dates with him, Addison included in that, and I don't want to make the girls hate me even more than they already do.

So with this whole speed dating thing going on today, almost all of the girls are on edge. If they haven't had a date with him yet, they are itching to see if they're going to be called out next. If they have had a date with him, they are itching to spill all of the details about their time with him. I've shared the details about my first date with him once or twice today, at the request from others.

"Wren! Addison!"

We turn our heads to see London making her way over to us.

"Yes, London?" Addison says.

"I was just talking about the wonderful date I had with Prince Cameron yesterday, and I thought that you two would like to hear about it." 

"Not really," I say, and she turns to look at me.

"Why? Are you jealous?" she asks with a smug look on her face.

"Why would I be jealous?"

"Because you know that my date with him went better than your date with him," she says and cuts me off before I can say anything. "And I don't want to hear about how he picked you for his first date. We all know that he picked you out of pity because you're a Five."

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