Chapter Twenty-Four

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"So what did you and Prince Cameron do after the party last night?" Addison asks. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I know that you two hung out after the party," she says. "You were the last girl there when I left, and you didn't want me to wait for you to walk to our rooms together." 

"I was talking to Oliver." 

"I know you were. But I also know that you hung out with Cameron afterwards. So what did you two do?" 

I join her on my bed before answering. 

"Nothing much," I say. "We just took a walk through the gardens and watched the stars while talking." 

"What did you two talk about?" 

"Mostly just little things. How his day went yesterday. What the other girls got him for his birthday. Music. Things like that. There was one important thing we talked about though." 

"Oooh! Let me guess! You two finally confessed your love for each other!" she exclaims, and I playfully roll my eyes. 

"No. He told me that by the end of the week, he has to make his decision on who the Elite is going to be," I tell her, and she shoots up from the laying position she was in. 

"No way!" 

"Yeah. They're airing his birthday special today which will allow the country to get a feel for all of us remaining girls and see how we interact with Cameron. And also what we think about him. And then on Friday, Cameron has to announce on the Report which three girls are going home and which ten are staying to be in the Elite." 

"And we don't get to find out beforehand? We have to wait and find out this big announcement on national television?" she asks, and I nod my head. 

"Yep. His advisors want it to be a natural reaction from all of us. I think they also want the Report to be as emotional and dramatic as possible." 

"I guess I understand. But it still sucks." 

"I know. But imagine how the other girls are going to feel. At least we'll know to expect the announcement. They'll have no clue about it. Which reminds me, Cameron technically wasn't supposed to tell me that information, and I definitely wasn't supposed to tell you. So just don't tell anyone, please." 

"You can trust me." 

I fall back onto my bed with a sigh. 

"You're not nervous about this whole Elite thing, are you?" she asks. 

"I don't know. Maybe a little bit." 

"Why? You know he's going to pick you. You're the only one he's serious about here." 

"I know," I say. "But I just can't help but think that at any minute, his feelings for me will completely change. That he'll suddenly realize who I am, and that I'm not good enough." 

"Is this about the crown? Because, Wren, there's nothing to worry abo - " 

"Actually, it's not about the crown, Addison." 

"Then what's it about?" 

"I'm afraid that I'm not good enough for him. Sure, right now, he thinks I am. But he is amazing, Addi, and once he is crowned King, he is going to do so many great things. He is going to do so much good for this country because of the kind of person he is. And at this point, it doesn't matter if I turned out to be a good Queen or not. I could be an amazing Queen and still not be good enough for him. Because I don't think I could ever compare to who he is," I explain, and she gently takes my hand and pulls me up into a sitting position. 

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