Chapter Three

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It's time. 

It's here. 

Today is the day. 

The day is today. 

Today is when the 35 selected girls are revealed.

Why am I so nervous? Do I really actually truly want this? Do I want to leave everything that I know and love in Kent and be whisked away to some strange palace with 34 other girls that are going to be fighting me for some prince I have never even met? 

I don't know. All I know is that I am nervous, and I want them to hurry up and announce the girls already, so I can stop worrying about this whole thing. 

My entire family is gathered around in the living room, ready for the Report to come on. The twins are of course restless, as usual, but tonight, Mom and Logynn have joined them. They are bouncing on the edge of their seats. Unlike me, they are completely excited. Not an ounce of nerves in them.

Everyone is having some kind of conversation except for me since I am way too nervous to even talk at this point. But soon enough, the Illean symbol pops up on the tv screen, indicating that the Report is starting.

"Everybody! Quiet! The Report is starting!" Logynn yells, and everybody quiets down.

Gale Alloy, the host of the Report, introduces King Harvey, and he gives a few announcements about different things. I honestly have no idea what the announcements were about. But soon enough, Gale introduces the prince.

Prince Cameron then steps up and joins Gale at the front.

"Prince Cameron. How are you feeling?" Gale asks.

"To be honest, quite nervous, Gale," he replies with a little chuckle.

"And what do you have to be nervous about? I think all of the girls out there that are waiting should be the nervous ones." 

He's right about that.

"Well, yes. I understand that. Nerves are very much expected from them because this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity for them. But I think that my nerves are valid as well during this moment because one of these girls that is about to be announced is going to be my future wife. But despite my nerves, I am excited to meet some of the lovely ladies of my country," he explains.

"And Queen Kimberely," Gale say, turning to the beautiful queen. "Any words of advice for the girls out there waiting to be selected?"

"To all of you girls out there waiting for these names to be read just like I was so many years ago, if you are selected, just simply be yourself. Do not try to change who you are for my son. Being yourself through this whole thing and just living in the moment and having a positive attitude will definitely make this experience amazing. Good luck to all of you out there, and I cannot wait to meet the lovely ladies that will be selected."

"Great words of advice, your Majesty. Well, I bet all of those girls are just dying to know who is coming here. So why don't we get this thing started!"

Prince Cameron walks up and stands right behind a bowl with the names of the 35 selected. Logynn leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Isn't Prince Cameron so cute?"

And now that she has said it, and now that I am paying attention, he is actually really cute. He has honey blonde hair that is perfectly styled (almost too perfect) and blue eyes. I can't really tell what shade of blue they are, but nonetheless, they are quite amazing.

Prince Cameron then reaches his hand in the bowl and pulls out the first name.

"Addison Beckett. Otaro."

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