Chapter Forty-One

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"Can you believe that today is the day?!" Addison squeals as we walk out of the dining room after breakfast.

"I really can't," I say. "It feels like just yesterday that I was meeting Cameron, and now we're getting engaged on national television. Like how is this even real?"

"I know! I can't believe we've been here for months. And after today, it's just going to be you here instead of 35 random girls from across the entire country."

"Don't remind me. I'm still not ready for you to leave."

She wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into a hug.

"Don't worry. I'll be back here before you know it," she says.

"Before the wedding?"

"Of course! I can't let you have all the fun with the wedding planning."

"Can I let you have all the fun?" I ask, and she playfully shoves my shoulder.

"No. Even though I would actually love that. Because planning the wedding is something special that you and Cameron get to do together. And even though you're going to need help, you'll definitely want to be a part of it."

"I know. And I'm actually looking forward to all the wedding stuff. It's the coronation planning that will be happening at the same time that I'm not excited for."

"Yeah, that does sound awful."

"I know. But I just have to keep telling myself that it'll all be worth it."

"And it will be! Because you'll be married to the love of your life, and you'll get to start a cute little family, and I'll get to be the Queen's best friend, and - "

"Okay, woah. Take a breath, why don't you?"

"Sorry, I just get so excited sometimes."

"Trust me. I know," I say with a little laugh. "Anyway, I have to go get a few more reports done before getting ready for the announcement, so I'll see you in the studio later?"

"Of course! Good luck with all your Queen prep stuff. Oh, and if I haven't said it already, I am so happy for you, Wren. Seriously, you deserve all of this," she tells me, and I smile at her before pulling her in for another hug.

"Thank you, Addi. And if I haven't said it already, I love you. Like a lot."

"I love you too. Now, go be responsible before it's time for one of the biggest moments of your life."

She heads off to the Women's Room, and I make my way up the stairs, my mind already focused on the finance reports sitting on my desk. I'm snapped out of those thoughts when I'm shoved up against the wall. I let out a little shriek before a hand clamps down on my mouth, and I turn to see none other than London pinning me up against the wall.

"You're going to shut up and listen to me, you understand?" she says, and all I can do is nod my head because I'm suddenly too afraid to do anything else. She pulls her hand away and holds it there for a few seconds, as if she's testing to see if I'm going to scream, before putting it down. She looks me over then, and I can feel the hatred radiating out of her.

She is MAD.

And she's about to rain her fire down on me.

"Man, where do I even start with you?" She looks me over again, and I try to still my shaking hands. "I guess I can start it all off by saying that you have absolutely ruined my life. If it wasn't for you, I would be the one getting ready to be announced the winner of this whole thing. But no. Some stupid Five had to barge her way in and make the prince care more about things like personality and character."

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