Chapter Two

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Ok. Let's get started. My name: Wren Willow. 

My caste: 5.

My province: Kent.

My age: 18.

My height: Uh. I'm just going to say 5 feet 5 inches.

My weight: 56 kg.

My hair color: Dark brown. Different from the rest of my siblings.

My eye color: Bright green. Which I only share with Kilee.

Skills: Well, I'm a musician. I can play the piano, the violin, and the cello. And I can sing.

I finish the rest of the form and seal it up.

"Mom!" I call, and she soon appears in the kitchen.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"It's done. I filled it out." I hold up the form, and she immediately gets so excited.

"Thank you so much, sweetie! You have no idea how much this means to me! And how much it could help this family! And it will be a wonderful opportunity for you!" she exclaims, and I laugh a little at her excitement.

"I know, Mom. Anyway. What's next?" I ask.

"We have to go to the Services Office and turn it in. Oh, and your picture will be taken. So go clean up some and put on your best clothes," she explains and ushers me out of the kitchen.

"Okay, okay. I'm going."

I walk into my room to find Airabella carefully painting a beautiful picture of an autumn landscape and Logynn lounging on her bed, reading a magazine.

I walk over to our shared closet and pick out my best casual outfit: my dressier green top and khaki shorts. Once it's on, I brush my hair out and make sure it looks presentable. I then add just a touch of lip-gloss since we don't own much makeup and look at myself in the mirror. I then turn to my sisters.

"How do I look?" I ask them.

"You look beautiful," Airabella comments.

"The shirt really makes your eyes pop. You look amazing, Wren," Logynn says, and I can't help but smile. I've never heard Logynn compliment me like that.

"Thank you, guys. Well, I'm off. I have to go turn in the form and take a picture." 

Logynn jumps up from the spot on her bed. 

"Can we come? Please?" Logynn whines, and I see Airabella playfully roll her eyes.

"You'll have to take it up with Mom. But I'm sure she will be completely fine with it," I tell her, and she runs out, squealing.

"You coming, too?" I ask. "I think I might need you. Those two will be squealing the entire time."

"Of course I will, Wren." 

We both walk into the kitchen to find Mom and Logynn squealing. No shocker there.

"I'm ready to go, Mom."

"Then what are we still doing here? Let's go!" she says and pulls me out of the house.

We walk all of the way down to the Services Office and find an incredibly long line. Ugh. It looks like we're waiting.

As we wait in the enormous line, we talk about random things. Well, sometimes. Most of the conversation is about the Selection. We finally get to through the line. I turn in the form and sign something, basically saying that everything on my form is true. I then sit down in front of the camera and have my picture taken. 

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