Chapter Thirty-Three

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"I can't believe this is happening!" I squeal as I practically bounce up and down in my spot.

"I know! It's been so long since we've seen them that it feels unreal that they're actually going to be here!" Addison says, not being able to contain her excitement just like me.

"And they're going to walk through that door any minute now!"

Today is the day that our families are coming to visit, and words cannot express how excited I am. I have been so homesick lately with everything that's been going on, and even though I've finally gotten the memories to go away, I'm still struggling with getting back to the mindset I had before it all happened. With being able to accept this future for myself. So things have been a little hard, and I just know that simply getting to see my family will be enough to cheer me up.

"Remember, girls. You are all in training to be Queen, so let's behave as one."

We all nod our heads even though none of us are even really taking in what she's saying. We just want to see our families.

I can feel the excited energy throughout the whole room which just makes me even more excited and impatient. I wish they could just be here right now! We're all making small conversations, trying to keep our minds occupied, when we hear the doors open. We look up and squeals fill the room as our families start flooding in. I search frantically for my own family, and as soon as I see them, I'm running towards them. I launch myself into my dad's arms, and he holds me tightly while I start silently crying. Everyone else quickly envelops me into a group hug, and I immediately feel a sense of peace and comfort that I've missed wash over me. Yes, I feel that with Cameron, but it's different. This is my family. The people who have ALWAYS been there.

We stay that way for a while, all of us huddled together in this enormous hug, almost all of us crying in some way. When I pull back to wipe away some of the tears, they all pull back with me.

"I can't believe you guys are here," I say and smile at all of them.

"We've missed you so much, sweet pea," Dad says, and Mom moves to stand next to him. She places a hand on my cheek as she looks at me.

"It's so nice to see my little girl again."

"Except she's not so little anymore. Look at her." Dad holds my hand and spins me around, causing me to laugh. "You're beautiful, sweetie."

"Thank you. Man, it feels so weird seeing you guys here."

"It feels weird being here," Ryker says as he looks around. "Everything here's so. . . fancy. I never thought that any of us would be standing in the palace. And you live here!"

I smile at him.

"This place is pretty amazing, and even after being here for a few months, it still hasn't lost its beauty. I continue to be amazed by this place."

"How's the food?" Brice asks.

"It's amazing!"

"And we get to eat it while we're here?!" Brennon pipes up, and I let out a little laugh.

"As much as you want."

Mom gives me a look.

"Don't spoil them, Wren," she says.

"I think they deserve a little spoiling. In fact, all of you do. I've gotten to experience all of this for months now, and I want you guys to be able to experience it to its fullest as well."

"Will we get to meet the prince? And the Queen? And the King? Will I get to wear fancy dresses and sleep in a fancy room and attend fancy tea parties?!" Logynn exclaims, practically jumping up and down at this point.

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