Chapter Eight

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The sudden flood of light is what wakes me from my peaceful sleep, and I let out a groan. It feels like I just crawled into bed. How is it morning already?

I pull the covers up over my eyes to try and block out the light, but I know there's no point in it. I have to get up. 

"Lady Wren," one of my maids say. I think it's Alice. "It's time to get up and get ready for the big day ahead."

I almost let out another groan when I remember that the 35 selected girls, me being a part of that, are meeting the prince this morning, and that's when the events of last night come rushing back in. How I already met the prince in the middle of a hallway that I definitely wasn't supposed to be in while having a panic attack. 

Well, this should be a fun morning.

I pull the covers down and stand up to stretch out my muscles. Soon enough, I'm being pulled into a bathtub to get ready for the day. After I don't even know how long, I'm being put in one of the day dresses that was in my closet when I got here. They let me choose which one I want to wear, and I go with a simple baby blue one. My maids then pull half of my hair up into a simple style with a few pearl pins to hold it together.

Then they bring out the endless selection of jewelry that I can choose from.

"Take anything that you like, miss," Mya says, and I look over the selection with awe. But even though they all look beautiful, I can't help but think that none of this is me. None of this is fitting for a Five.

"Do you have anything a little more simple?" I ask, and Sophie brings out another selection of jewelry.

"We thought you might ask that." 

I smile a little. Thankfully, these three are already starting to pick up on who I am.

Looking at this new selection, I pick out a pair of small pearl earrings to match the pins in my hair and a few simple silver bracelets.

"What about a necklace, Miss?" Alice asks.

"I have one of my own that I would like to wear if that's okay." 

They nod their heads.

"Of course."

I walk over to the vanity, open up the jewelry box, and pull out Logynn's silver butterfly necklace with a smile. I can feel the tears pricking the back of my eyes, but I push them away, not wanting to ruin the small amount of makeup I have on and not wanting to start this long day off with tears. I put the necklace on and make sure it's perfectly placed before turning back to my maids.

"So how do I look?" I ask them, a little self-conscious in all of this. But thankfully, they smile, and it eases my nerves just a little.

"You look beautiful, Lady Wren," Sophie says, and I smile at them.

"Thank you all for this," I say, motioning to the dress and hair and shoes.

"It's no problem at all," Alice replies. "Now, you better get going. You're meeting the prince this morning!"

Just hearing those words make my stomach churn. What is he going to say to me after last night?

I give my maids one last smile before walking out of the room. When I get out to the foyer, I see Evelynn standing there, talking to Addison. When I approach, Evelynn tells me good morning, and Addison quickly spins around to greet me.

"Good morning, Wren!" she exclaims. "How was your first night at the palace?"

"Interesting," I mutter before looking back up with a smile. "Once I was able to fall asleep, it was amazing. The beds are so comfortable here."

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