Chapter Twenty-Six (Edited)

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I wake up, arms around my waist protectively, and a light snoring in my ear. I stand up with a gasp, seeing my mate in all his glory beside me. I fall off the bed ungracefully, seeing that I'm in one of his t-shirts and grey sweatpants. Fleet sits up quickly, his grisly appearance drooping from his exhaustion. 

He brightens quickly, shaking his drowsiness off him as he quickly looks over to me and my panicked form. I look around, slightly confused at the small tent. The thick, dirty, but once ivory skin of the tent gently sways from the small morning breeze. He's up and in front of me in a flash, his shirt off and exposing his scarred abdomen. He soothingly runs his hand up and down my arms, gazing into my fleeting eyes as I search the tent. 

It was cluttered with pictures of him and I, my siblings, and family pictures. It was cluttered with old shirts of mine, even my old pillow from my room. It would have been weird and insanely creepy to anyone else, but I found it oddly sweet. He did miss me. 

It was littered with garbage and his dirty laundry, his desk shoved up in a corner and covered with papers and pens and books. Warrior nuzzles his head inside, checking around and purring at the sight of me before turning and walking away. My gaze snapped to my silent mate, his golden eyes glimmering with worry. 

I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. Tears leaked down my face as I buried my face into him, breathing in his minty rain smell. "I love you. I'm sorry for what I said last night." I whisper, he chuckles and tightens his hold on me. 

"I love you, Little Moon. I know you're sorry, and I forgive you." He smiles into my hair, rubbing my back gently. I smile slowly, pulling away and offering him a hand. 

"How about we get something to eat? I can get some food here in two seconds, and afterwards I'm going for a small fly to stretch my wings. You can come with if you'd like?" I say excitedly, brushing my tears away with my hand. He flashes a smile, taking my hand and squeezing it tight before leaning down to my ear. 

"I love you in my clothes, darling." He whispers huskily, a blush crawling up my neck and warming my cheeks. He smirks, pulling on a shirt and leading me out of the tent. Dragons roared, flying overhead as the wolves in our army warm up and practice their fighting. Among which, I see Jerison's son and Annie fighting together and training as I once did. 

I scent the air, smelling fresh bacon and oatmeal. I grin, following the scent to a huge kitchen with a window to give food out. I bounced to the end of the line, snapping my fingers to bring a small piece of toast appear into my hand. Laughing, my connection lets me know I got it from Lake's hand. I eat it as we make our way towards the window flap, everyone staring as I happily munch on a piece of toast. As I swallow the last bite, we stop in front of the tent. 

A burly man grumbles, dropping a small, metal bowl into my hands that's filled to the brim with oatmeal and a couple pieces of bacon. I smile, "Thank you, sir!" 

Beaming, I walk away and sit on the ground happily. Fleet chuckles, gazing at me softly as he sits down next to me. "So, what have you been up to?" He asks me, I flash him a frown. 

"Lying in bed. I finished my education, like you asked, and I have done nothing else but sleep, eat, and up until I turned eighteen, I was doing schoolwork. But you know, having my powers weakened until they don't work all the time." I growl, my back twitches as if my wings want to be let out. Fleet frowns, sighing. 

"Sorry, love. Maybe I overreacted when the war broke out. There's a prophecy on your bloodline for a reason, and I just made peace wait because I was hoping you could have a normal life." He sighs, looking down at his oatmeal with an adorable pout. I glare at him playfully. 

"Next time, don't lock me up with my biological family who all think I should reject your ass. I mean honestly! It's pretty dumb on your part! What if they managed to convince me that you were an idiot that didn't deserve me? You wouldn't have stood a chance." I giggle, he gasps in disbelief. 

"How dare you? Maybe I should teach you a lesson." He growls playfully, I giggle eating my breakfast quickly before racing away with a squeal as he pounces where I stood just seconds before. He laughs gleefully. Vampires always loved the chase. 

I run towards Annie, giggling as my wings rip from my back and I flap into the air. Fleetwood jumps into the air, snaking his arms around my waist and forcing me down to the ground. I scream, hitting the ground with even more laughter as I zap him with electricity and jumping away from him. 

Third Person POV:

Everyone watches in amusement as their King and Queen play like children in the middle of an early morning, taking small joy and a moment of peace in the midst of their storm. 

Meanwhile, the rebellion prepared for an early attack that the King did not expect. The leader of the rebellion stormed around camp, in a rightful fit. "Get the dragons ready! Ready the weapons! Alert the Rogues! We leave within the hour!" Someone that the Queen would least suspect shouted, his once handsome face now marred with white scars and a black eye-patch over his right eye. 

"Yes, General." His most trusted confidant bowed his head, running around and issuing the orders. Their prisoners whipped and strung like trophies, stayed silent with dread as someone in equal power to the young, disappeared Queen strides up to the general. 

"Tanner, I spotted the ugly Tanya last night. She flew into our enemies camp and threw a child's fit." She snickered. Everyone believed this woman was beautiful. For her hair glowed like the moon, and her ice cold blue eyes warmed only for Tanner. She was a fae, mage, werewolf, vampire, angel, and demon hybrid. No one knew where she came from. She just appeared one day. 

Tanner smiled evilly, wrapping his now muscled and tanned arm over her thin shoulders. "Wonderful. Ready yourself, my love. We prepare for war." He grinned sickly. Both cackling, they set their prisoners afire and watched with maniacal glee as they heard the dreadful screams. The war officially begun. 


This is not the end! I know, I know! I'm already thinking of another sequel for a different book, but I think this deserves more than just one book. The sequel for this might not start for a while because I have a few other projects I'm working on. 

I also need to edit this book and all that fun stuff. I'll most likely get the first chapter posted for the sequel in a couple months. Stay tuned for a few suggestions of what the book shall be called! Love y'all!

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