Chapter Twenty (Edited)

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Fleetwood's POV

I drive quickly towards the small rebellion to make our statement, parking in front of the cameras. Guards pile out of their cars and open our doors, letting us out while pushing back the rioting crowd. I take Tanya's soft hand, pulling her up to the small platform we managed to get out here. We climb the steps, ignoring the flung insults and the screaming. 

"WE WANT SOMEONE ELSE!" Someone screams, everyone holding up signs and yelling over the top of each other. 

"GIVE US KINDNESS! KILL ALL NON-HUMANS!" More people begin to throw their chants at us as the guards keep them away from us. Tanya shivers, her heart beating as quickly as a hummingbirds wings. I step in front of the microphone, keeping Tanya close to my side protectively. 

"QUIET!" I shout into it, everyone screams and covers their ears. Finally, silence. 

"You chose us; you chose Tanya to be your Queen. We gave you a choice, and you picked us. It's been almost ten years since we have began our reign of peace, and now you're causing trouble? What's so wrong that causes this uproar?" I begin, looking over them with a calculated gaze. They stayed silent, until a brave soul decides to open his big fat mouth. 

"We are practically kicked down for being human!" Someone shouts from the crowd. Tanya, gently pushes me out of the way and steps up to the microphone. Her red shimmering dress draws attention away from her eyes, making it seem as if she still looks human. 

"I'm human, and I'm your Queen. I pay close attention to the human representatives and they have said nothing of the sort. We get our rare attacks from Rogues, Loners, Feral vampires, and everything else, but you're telling me this rebelling is about feeling less?" She pauses, glancing around everyone who are now looking down with respect and fear. 

"I think not. I think you're just tired of this kingdom. All I want is peace, and I know many who would be on my side. I met my biological family before the Winter Ball. Most of them are human, as I'm sure you remember that I am part of everything that has ever existed. I can bring back Rogues to a normal wolf, I can partly shift and will one day fully shift, I could kill everyone in my way if I wanted to do so. I am human, but I am also everything else." She reminds everyone, looking everyone in the eye as she decides her next words carefully.

"I'm the feared vampire, the awed over mage, the kind werewolf, an angry troll, a kind and rude fairy, I am literally everything. I am one of a kind, and yet here I am. Don't say humans are any lesser. The fact that most of my family are humans, well the ones living right now anyway, actually shows humans are just as good as the rest. Humans can be our mates, and they can birth the most powerful creatures on this planet. I'm an example of that, so no. You're not lesser or looked down upon. Tell me your real reason." She says boldly, squaring her shoulders as she looks over everyone. 

"We want Wentworth gone! Give us a kind king!" They begin to chant, holding their signs up high. She sighs, knowing they would never answer that question. The guards escort us back into the car where Emma and Silver wait, holding their bags. 

"Where are we going Fleet?" Tanya asks quietly as she quickly straps herself into the car, looking down with sadness.

"The only place that offers us safety." I murmur, gunning my car away from our guards so quickly there was no hope they could catch up with us.

I hit the highway, trying to not think about where I'm going, or rather who we're going to live with. After a while, I see a car following us and making every move we make. "Don't freak out, but we have someone following us. In a couple of hours, I'm going to pull over. I want you three to get as much clothes as you can into two suitcases. Tanya, when I pull over I want you to jump out and get a head start into the forest using your werewolf speed with one of the suitcases. I'll grab the twins and the other suitcase." I order, all three nod and do what I asked. The sun soon sets, stars twinkling into existence in the black sky. 

I turn my headlights off, making myself completely invisible to even werewolf eyes. After another hour, I pull over and Tanya leaps out with the heaviest suitcase and the animals beside her. She immediately races away, leaving my sight in a second. I grab the other suitcase in one arm and throw the twins over my shoulders as I race after Tanya. 

The white moonlight barely passes over her figure in each break of the trees before she's darting away again. We silently make our way deeper into the forest, leaping over a creek, and through Rogue territory. Tanya slows to a stop, panting as I catch up to her. 

"I can't keep running!" She gasps, sucking in air. Her eyes are crazed and I can feel how thirsty she is through the mate bond. I have two humans in my arms, if she get's out of control... anything could happen. 

"Tanya, I need you to stay ahead of me. Okay? The animals will also stay by my side. I can feel your thirst, and we all really don't want anything to happen." I say quietly, she nods and bolts about thirty feet in front of me. 

"Fleetwood, if we're going to walk, can you put us down?" Silver asks awkwardly, I swiftly set them on their feet. 

"Just be careful, I don't know who was following us or what they were." I urge, following after Tanya. We find a path that suddenly forks, she goes to take a right, but I know it's the wrong way. "Go left! We should be there in about twenty minutes!" I call, she nods and goes where I tell her.

Memories fill my mind of this familiar forest. I knew every root to every leaf in this forest and where they should be. Well, the last time I saw them anyway.  

We walk silently, our eyes darting everywhere to make sure we don't get caught off guard. We crest over a snow covered hill, a huge mansion filling our vision. The full moon seems to hang directly over the mansion ominously, no lights on. 

"We're here!" I shout, grinning as I hear a girls scream and lights flicking on as someone runs down. The door gets thrown open, a young woman bolting out and crashing into me with joyous laughter. I fall to the ground with a huff, the wind getting knocked out of me. Tanya snarls, pushing the woman off me with her own eyes glowing a bright red. I laugh at her jealousy and climb to my feet. 

"Emily, this is my mate Tanya. Tanya, this is my baby cousin Emily." I say, grinning as Tanya blushes. Emma and Silver laugh in amusement at her overreaction. 

"Sorry, I'm a bit of a rollercoaster right now." Tanya whispers, her thirst scorching my throat. I cough, wincing from even her own thirst. 

"Tanya, maybe I should take you hunting once we're settled in. I can feel your pain." I say, she shakes her head with fear in her eyes as panic sets in. I knew memories of those days were in her mind, paining me. 

"No. I need to stop drinking blood." She mutters. I sigh, shaking my head. 

"You need it to survive, though." Emily says, scrunching her nose up as she flips her blonde hair out of her face. I hesitate, frowning as I see her confusion.

"It's... complicated." Silver and Emma answer in unison, glaring at each other afterwards. 

A few more figures come out of the house, one of them a human servant. Emma and Silver slowly inch themselves closer to me, feeling intimidated by the only man's presence. My Uncle Leroy. 

"Uncle." I greet, he nods to me. Tanya tilts her head, her curls bouncing with her movement. 

"You have an uncle?" She asks, I chuckle in amusement as she studies the people in front of us before her eyes flit to mine. 

"You just met my cousin. She has to have a father." I point out, she shrugs. "Everyone, meet my family. Emily, my cousin, my Uncle Leroy, Aunt Christina, and their... helper." I say, smiling apologetically to the scared human girl. 

"They're called our servants, Fleetwood." A woman calls before elegantly striding out of the beautiful mansion. Her pale purple dress puffs out around her waist with a black shawl around her shoulders. Her greying brown hair twisted up into a bun with her red eyes seeming to pop out with her milky skin. She stops a few feet from me as Tanya backs up into me, seeming afraid of her. 

"Mother." I greet coldly, glaring at her petite form. 

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