Chapter Five (Edited)

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Fleetwood's POV

It's been a couple weeks since the attack. We still haven't figured out how my Little Moon can use magic, but my boys are on it. In fact, I should be getting the results today. I've barely seen my Tanya since I explained about how I had to leave her for a bit. Maryanne has guarded her well and filled some of the gaping hole in Tanya's heart for her mother. 

I am very grateful for Maryanne helping me out, that's why I'm going to start letting her get back to training and help her with anything she may need. Also, I'm sending a letter to the human side because they know none of the vampires have even thought about killing a human to drink since this war started.

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. "Come in." I granted, Dylan and the twins came in with smiles. 

"We found out!" They shouted together, I perked up and motioned them to shut the door and give me my report. "Every single descendent has a supernatural mate, and in turn Tanya was the born with everything. She is a part of everything, there is a prophecy on her bloodline. 'There would come a day where a child will be born with everything combined, making her supreme and stronger than everything else. She will either fail greatly at her task to bring an eternal peace or she will pass every test thrown her way. She will change everything, either way.' " They recited at the same time.

I sat there stunned, she was the key to win this war. Maybe if we show her on national TV, she could capture their hearts and help us find a peaceful way to end this war and for me to win. I would only let her if she says yes, I would never make her do something she didn't want to do. I slowly grinned, "That explains everything!" I breathed, the twins nodded. I stood up, "I have a plan." I announced.

Tanya's POV

It's been forever since I've seen my Feef. I woke up the day after to find that Feef would be too busy to see me and that Maryanne would take his place. Then, I saw Dilly and the twins run out the door and they just got back today with excited grins. 

I wanted to go after them, but Annie said no. So, I sighed and went to watch cartoons. That's when Feef decided to stroll into the living room, I jumped up from my spot and jumped into his waiting arms. 

"Feef!" I screeched with happiness. He spun me around before collapsing onto the couch with me on his lap. 

"Little Moon, I have a huge favor to ask." He looked at me with begging eyes. I smiled and nodded at him, he smiled at me. "You know how you see people on the TV saying stuff about the war?" He asked me, I nodded again. "Well, you see... I need your help saying something on the TV in front of people about the war. Do you think you could do that?" He asked me nervously, I thought about it and nodded.

"Yes! I wan tuh welp!" I said excitedly, my Feef grinned and hugged me. 

"Okay, let's go get ready." He announced loudly enough that I knew everyone could hear as I giggled excitedly. He rushed me to my room and dressed me in a beautiful dress with slippers. He had Annie take me to the car while he got ready, packed, and got snacks. We were soon on our way to a city, three hours away. 

Those three hours felt like it took weeks because I was so excited, but we ended up at the a huge building with lots of bug black things trained on us. Feef picked me up and carried me to a stage, as he called it, while many people yelled things at us. I couldn't tell what they were saying, but they sounded angry.

Feef set me down beside him and I smiled up at him as he yelled for silence. After a few minutes, it was completely quiet so I giggled making people smile. 

"We are here today to explain why we are branching out. I ask to be King because we know how much land we need and how much you need. If you let me become King, vampires will stop killing humans and instead only drink human blood from those willing. The werewolves will help rebuild cities that have been lost, the fairies will help rebuild the forests and gardens, the trolls and dwarfs will help mine, and we will help in every way we can. Each and every creature will help with one thing or another." Feef started talking.

"Also, every creature has a mate. We have soulmates that complete us, mine is one of your kind. You may have seen me bring this darling little girl with me, yes? Well, she is my mate. Now, before you say anything about how disgusting that is, hear me out. I only want to protect her, comfort her, and make sure she is happy. I do not want to do anything inappropriate towards her. She would like to speak to you all." Feef glanced down at me and smiled warmly at me. 

He picked me up and helped me lean into the huge black thing that makes your voice louder. I giggled into it to hear the sound. A few people laughed with me and I smiled, "Wy Name is Tanya! I am fwive wears old. My Feef talks wiv you bout war. He won't like willing people. He woves me and wis family. He woves to wrotect me and Willyfly and Dilly and Annie!" I pointed to everyone. They laughed, but I frowned when I didn't see the twins.

"Yo, Feefy! We're supposed to take you seriously when you listen to a five year old!" A man shouted, I clenched my fists. 

"Shut up! She is trying to help you understand! If you won't understand I'll have my bodyguards..." I cut him off by flipping out of his arms. 

"Feef! Weave poor humans alone! Be wice! If wou don't, I won't e'er spweak to wou agwain!" I shouted. Feef immediately calmed down.

"Sorry, Little Moon. I'll be nice, my perfect Tanya." He sighed, I jumped back into his arms. 

"Wou people should wappy! He just wrying tuh welp! He wrotect us!" I shouted, I heard a few people mutter and some say things sadly. I look at a young woman who reminded me of my mommy. "He won't wurt wou. Never. If he woes, he will pay by me. He'll wisten tuh me. Whey all do!" I reassure her, before saying personal things to a few more of them.

"Annie is wolf, one who tied to hurt my Feef. I welped her, now she is wodyguard." I gestured to her on my left and grabbed her hand, I laid my head on Feef's shoulder. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead tenderly.

"She is right, I would never hurt you or her. If I did, I give you the right to hurt me. If you let me become King, no more blood will be shed. I will ask schools to open for all creatures, no one will be sent away because of what they are. If we let our children be raised with each other, we can help each other learn our ways." He pauses for effect, looking out at the crowd with searching eyes.

"My little Tanya, your future Queen, is a mixture of all of us. She is part wolf, vampire, troll, human, fairy, and so much more. If you let her rule us, she will guide us to peace. But, if you choose her you also choose me. I make a promise that we will help, if one of us hurts you there will be consequences. If you hurt us, there will be consequences. We are allowed to use self-defense, like if an assassin tries to kill me or my family, I will kill them." He says with a concealed threat, glaring out at the crowd.

"I leave you two weeks to decide, if by then you say no. Then, I will resort to violence. I hope it doesn't come to that. I hope you have a good night and think about what we offered you." Feef says before taking my tired body back to the car, silence trails after us. We go home, and await for their answer.

 I watch cartoons and play, I secretly try to copy Willyfly's fight moves when nobody is watching. Soon enough, two weeks pass. We are heading to a place called the "White House". I am wearing a ballgown because before they give us an answer, we are going to have a ball. 

That is how I find myself staring at these little kids like me, screaming and running around the ballroom while almost breaking stuff. I stay in Feef's arms as we meet person after person, even the Presidents! We go onto a stage with them, when they decide to give us their answer. Humans and creatures wait with baited breaths, what the outcome will be.


Oooh! Drama! Will the Humans choose Tanya or more bloodshed? Find out in the next chapter!

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