Chapter Nineteen (Edited)

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Fleet's POV

"I don't care whether you want to come back or not! She isn't ready!" I roar into the phone, glad that Tanya was learning to connect with her wolf side with the guards. I run my fingers through my shaggy hair. I need a haircut soon. 

I hear a sigh on the other end of the line. "King, we're your family. You know we were just teaching her the way we were taught." Dylan says calmly, I snarl. I start to pace in irritation, pulling at the roots of my hair in frustration. 

"No, that's final. She's almost ready to get back to school, and I will not have you come back into my home until she is absolutely ready to see you guys again." I order, they sigh in defeat before I hear the phone being fought over. 

"At least let Kai back! We promise to not even come and visit him, he'll have to meet us somewhere else so there's no chance of Tanya seeing us." Jack, my brother, begs. I brush my hand through my hair as I thought. Maybe this will help Tanya get even more accustomed to humans again. 

"Fine. I expect him to be here in a week, no later, no earlier." I say promptly, hanging up on them. I sigh, collapsing into my chair. The new ache of the Mate Bond trying to force me to accept Tanya and mark her goes through me. It's still weak, but by the time she's sixteen, I don't know if I can resist. 

"Fleet!" Tanya calls, bounding up the stairs and knocking gently on my office door. Her excited heart races faster that a hummingbird's wings, her flushed face peaking out from behind the door with a blinding smile. I chuckle, opening my arms. She bounds into them, resting her head on my chest for a moment before looking up at me excitedly. 

"It was awesome! I got my hand to partly shift, and the wolves say I should be able to shift fully in a couple years if I practice! Maybe sooner if I try really hard!" She exclaims, practically bouncing in my lap. I smile at her, knowing that she has progressed well these past few months. 

"That's great! But, I do have a couple surprises for you. One will happen in exactly a weeks time, and the other is tonight. You might want to change, maybe even take a shower." I tease, laughing as she rolls her eyes impatiently. She pouts, crossing her arms as I stroke her silky curls. 

"What are we doing? Fleet, you know I hate surprises." She grumbles, frowning as I laugh. She has gotten closer to being her old self, but I know she won't ever fully be her old self because of what she went through. But I still feel guilty.

"Well, I don't know if you'll like this surprise. But, I hope you can at least enjoy it." I say, hiding my worry with a smirk as she whines. My phone begins to ring as someone bursts in here. I hold a hand out to the person, not looking at them as I answer the phone. 

"King Wentworth." I answer formally, my eyes trained on my mate as she runs her fingers through my hair. I relax slightly, holding back a hum of approval. 

"We have a bit of a situation, Your Majesty." My top security guy tells me, trying to sound calm. 

"What kind of situation?" I ask, he sighs in worry. 

"People are rebelling, Your Majesty. Humans, a few shapeshifters, a few mages, runaways, and a bunch of others are going against you. All over the world. We need you and the Queen to make a statement and there are so many meetings you'll need to have and make." He reports quickly, I snarl and stiffen. 

"You're telling me people are rebelling!" I snarl, punching the top of my desk. I barely feel Tanya stiffen. I rub her back soothingly, trying to calm the both of us down so I don't end up killing someone and scaring Tanya more. 

"Yes, and there are a few kids from the Queen's school partaking as well." He informs me. I snarl profanities under my breath, running my hand through my hair in frustration. 

"Send me the area in which you have enclosed them in so we can try to address their problems. Call the Alpha's in the area and find out where their real loyalties lie. Get our top spies and security on it!" I bark out orders, giving Tanya an apologetic look. 

"Yes, Your Majesty." He agrees, waiting a few seconds for me to speak before hanging up. I slam the phone onto the table, looking over at the guards frantically looking at me. 

"Your Majesties! There are people at the gates demanding for you to hand over the throne to a human or one of the kind Alphas." They report, I growl lowly. I get to my feet, keeping a gentle hand on the small of Tanya's back as I make my way over to the window. I look out, snarling at the rioting crowd as Tanya sticks close to me with fear in her eyes.

"Tanya, go and pack us a few bags. Gather your siblings and make sure we get plenty of guards with us. Make all the preparations we'll need. I'm going to set up a few meetings and get a few people I trust to find us a place to hide out at. We don't know how serious these people are." I order stiffly. She nods, hugging me tightly before making her way quickly out of the office. 

I grab my phone once everyone is gone, and I'm alone. Dialing someone I never thought I would talk to again, I sigh. I hear the click of the phone being picked up, a small sigh filtering through the phone. 

"Hello?" Her gentle voice flows through the phone. 

"I need a few favors." I say gruffly. Sitting down, I get ready for a long talk. 


Hey everyone! Sorry it took so long to update! I thought I posted this chapter a couple weeks ago, guess not. Anyway, how are you? Anything interesting? I hope you stay safe!

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