Chapter Seventeen (Edited)

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It's been three weeks since I've last seen Fleet. I can't even feel his presence, so every day my mate bond is screaming at me to find him and beg for forgiveness. I've gotten better with controlling my thirst, and some days I don't even drink animal blood. I'm hoping that this will all be over in just a few more weeks, but I don't know if it will happen. 

"Tanya! It's time!" Lilly sings in that frightening cold voice. I shudder as she opens the cell door and unlocks my chains, grabbing me by the back of my neck and dragging me back up the stairs. I stumble as we enter the kitchen and she lets me go, making me watch as she made me breakfast. 

She hums, a small bit of how she used to be around me peeking out of her hard shell. I lay my head down on the table tiredly, wishing for this to all go away. I don't deserve to eat. I don't deserve to be alive. I killed humans, I murdered them without a thought and laughed! 

The rest of my torturers came in, talking quietly as they sit at the table beside me. I stiffen from fear, but grateful they didn't let any human people sit by me. I relax a tiny bit, but sit up, keeping my posture straight. 

Kai walked in with my siblings and Ivy, all laughing as they take a seat beside me. I spoke too soon. I whimper from the pain, but it's so quiet no one can hear. Lilly sets down a plate of bacon, eggs, toast, and a pancake in front of me. I stare down at it, wondering why I was being given so much food. 

I glanced at everyone to see them looking expectantly at me. I hesitantly grab the fork and cut myself a piece of the pancake, taking a bite. I sigh in utter relief as they taste like heaven. A small smile flits across my face before the fear returns. What do I have to do to make up for all of this food? 

They watch as I slowly eat my breakfast, taking my time because I dread today. When I'm finished, I don't even think about my thirst as I hesitantly lean back, breaking my perfect posture. 

"How was it?" Lilly asks, her eyes still cold but a warm, fake, smile on her face. 

"G-good." I stutter, pulling my knees to my chest and resting my forehead on top of them. I flinch when I feel a warm hand on my back, and another stroking my hair. A human hand. 

"Are you okay?" Warm breathe breathes against my ear. I swallow back venom, almost choking from how thick it was. 

I quickly nod, hoping that they'll move their hands. "Tanya, we're going to have a bit of a lazy day today. You can take a shower, see Warrior if you want, and we're going to watch Disney movies." JJ, I mean Jon, says. I look up, forgetting about my thirst again. 

"W-what?" I choke, staring at them in total shock. Dilly, again I mean Dylan, looks away before looking back at me with his cold face. 

"Unless you'd like to train, we could al-" I cut him off with a frantic shake of my head. 

"No! I mean, I w-want to watch m-movies." I interrupt, shrinking into myself as I realize he could hurt me just for interrupting him. I hide my face waiting for the hot rod or fresh blood. Someone slowly lifts my head up and I squeeze my eyes shut in absolute terror. 

"Tanya?" Jacky murmurs, I flinch and keep myself as still as possible. I'm gathered into his arms and my eyes open in shock as my jaw drops. I hesitantly relax into his embrace, my eyes watering. I slowly hug him back and he carries me into the living room, setting me down on the couch without breaking the hug. 

He sits beside me, keeping me in the hug as silent tears furiously drip down my cheeks, soaking his shirt. He just rocks me gently, letting me get all of my emotions out. When I finally stop crying, I back away with an embarrassed frown curling up against the far corner of the couch. I watch as what I once called my family comes into the room and sit down around me, the human ones staying nearby. 

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