Chapter 29 - The Musketeers

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It was clear that Beatrice knew about her son's plan to make me eat, since she had literally prepared a feast. My stomach growled loudly as the long rectangular table came into view, filled with food. 

Beatrice chuckled and, while I was in a dream-like state, moved me to one of the chairs. With a light thud, I sat down looking over the heavenly banquet as 'Food glorious food' played in my head.

"I didn't know what you would like?" Beatrice grinned, giving my shoulder a squeeze, "so I made a bit of everything."

"I can see that." I said breathlessly, almost inhaling the closest item to me.

"I can't remember the last time I had a cooked meal." Iris muttered, her eyes fixed on the table.

"Same." I mumbled, as Iris took the seat next to me.

"Beside the rabbit?" Jay chuckled, as he dragged Nicky to a seat across from me and sat down.

"I didn't even finish that!"

"Why are you always complaining?" Jay rolled his eyes while grinning cheekily.

The chair beside me scraped across the floor as Oliver sat down, I turned to glare at him for ruining such a beautiful reunion between food and I. Instead I saw him staring at the food with so much love and admiration you would think he was looking at his first born child.

"See something you like?" I grinned, playfully bumping into his shoulder.

He looked at me, managing to tear his gaze from the sight in front of him, before grinning and wiggling his eyebrows, "Definitely."

Before I could open my mouth to laugh, a loud growl came from behind me making everyone in the room jump and Oliver disappeared. One moment he was sat beside me, the next he was pinned up against the wall, being choked.

"Hunter! No!" I shouted jumping up from my chair and trying to make it to them, unfortunately I tripped on the chair leg and stumbled.

"I may have let you out," Hunter growled, as I grabbed onto his arm and started to pull, "but don't think I won't put you back in there, rogue!"

"Hunter!" I screamed, as Oliver's face started to go red.

Hunter's fingers loosened around Oliver's neck and he crashed to the floor coughing madly, his hands flying to his bruised throat. Dropping down beside him I started to pat his back hoping it would help, ignoring the small growls that Hunter was creating.

"Oliver, you okay?" I asked, deciding that hitting him wasn't working so I went with soothing circles.

He nodded his head, coughing one last time before letting his head fall back and hit the wall as he breathed deeply.

"Olly?" Iris asked with concern, but one look at her face and I knew that she was enjoying the situation.

"Don't call me that." He hissed glaring at the girl, who was eating through some angel delight, before another wave of coughs took over.

"What the hell is your problem?" I snarled standing up in front of Oliver and glaring at Hunter.

"What the hell is my problem?!" Hunter repeated, his jaw clenching as his eyes darkened, "Why the hell are you defending Him?"

"You just tried to kill him for no good reason!" We were both breathing heavily as the two of us were trapped in an intense glare.

He was being a ridiculous, possessive jerk! And it made my blood boil, I didn't have much experience with guys but there was no way in hell my own mate was going to walk all over me.

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