Chapter 12 - Meg's mate

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From experience I believe that there are two types of anger. One is when it's all physical you lash out, punch stuff and swear a lot. I find this method the quickest way to get it all out your system, but it only seems to work if you have something or someone to channel the anger at.

The second one is where you go quiet, you seat there seething inside and this is the one that makes all your friends turn away unable to look at you. This one scares me the most, the occasional twitch of the jaw, the permanently narrowed eyes and the whiten knuckles clenched into fists.

The perfect example of the second kind of anger was sitting next to me, driving the car.

It had been a good 20 minutes since I had last heard Rowan say anything. We were driving back to the school and every so often Rowan would clench his hands tighter around the steering wheel, I was actually concerned about the bones in his fingers.

Not being able to stand the tense atmosphere in the car, I leaned back and looked out the window, thinking back to Rowan's reaction to learning the truth.

"Oh my god, you're a werewolf." He was pacing backwards and forwards while I sat on the ground, after changing back and putting my clothes on again.

I didn't say anything, just sat with my legs crossed watching him stalk around in front of me.

"Does Megan know? God of course she knows? Are you actually sisters then? You're Megan's sister? Okay, I get that? No how the hell are you sisters? That just doesn't... it just can't be..."

He stopped pacing and looked at me then dragged a hand down his face; flopping down on the floor he copied my sitting position. Crossed legs, with one hand resting on his thigh while the other propped his head up.

"If it's any consolation, you're taking this better than I thought you would." I said trying to keep a straight face, and feeling proud of myself, using such a big word.

"Why haven't you told anyone?" He finally asked after staring at me for a few moments.

"Alpha Hagan knows."

"He knows."

"Yeah, it's a family secret, remember no one can know. You can't tell anyone." I leaned forward narrowing my eyes hoping he got the message.

"Damn." He let his head fall into his hands and his shoulders moved as he took deep breaths.

"If anyone finds out, we have to leave."

Rowan's head snapped up and he looked at me, "and Meg?"

"Yes. But I don't want that. I want my family to join this pack and be free as wolves. It's been hard on all of them and that's why Meg, she..."

"She rejected me?" Rowan looked lost in thought and his words were barely a whisper.

"Yes, she didn't want to. She wants to be with you, but she wants to protect me. That's why. Rowan no one can get close to our family, we can't have people finding out about me, it's dangerous. But Meg needs you, trust me."

After our conversation Rowan went for a run to clear his head and I waited by the car, I didn't think that he would be long. But as the seconds turned to minutes and the minutes turned to an hour, I started to get worried.

Eventually he came back and he looked mad, he got in the car and slammed the door shut. Quickly sliding in, he started the engine and we left, he didn't say anything and when I asked him where we were going he simply replied 'school'.

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