Chapter 44 - Reunions

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I was on a roll XD

*not edited*

I was angry. I was pissed. God I wanted to wrap my hands around that idiot's neck and strangle the life out of him and when he was almost dead I would stop and then beat the sh!t out of him.

"Sasha you hungry?" Iris asked from outside the bars.

Outside the bars. God I'm going to kill him.

I was lying on my back with my arms behind my head glaring up at the ceiling planning on how to kill my mate without harming myself. This meant I couldn't actually kill him but bringing him to the brink of death, I could do that.


I turned my head, and my glare, towards Iris who was sat on a bench which was against the wall furthest from me. The one on the other side of the bars, God I'm gonna kill him.

"Do you have any idea where the key is Iris?" I asked for the hundredth time.

Iris lowered her gaze, "No I'm sorry. One of the guards has it and well they won't listen to me and they won't come down here, so you can't order them."

I sighed and turned my head to look back up at the ceiling, I was so going to almost kill him.

"Sash?" a familiar voice called out and I turned my head to look at the steps.

The sound of heavy footsteps grew louder as one of the guards walked down with a tray of food in his hands. He grinned at me once we had reached the bottom and I glared even more, because I knew that he knew where the key to the cell was. Yet I had no power over him since he wasn't in my pack.

"Have you got the key?" I asked irritably.

"Nope, but I have got a nice Tuna mayo sandwich and a pink ladies apple." He grinned happily, holding the tray up higher and the smell of tuna wafted into my cell.

"I would have preferred ham and cheese." I grumbled turning away from him, "with a terry's orange."

Sam sighed after I turned away, I heard him move to the bars of the cell and place the tray down on the other side. I had already attempted to break the bars and my reward was a bloody knuckle and possibly a few broken finger bones. There was also a bruised toe.

"Look Sash no one wanted to do this, believe me, everyone feels terrible but we need to keep you safe."

"Strange that I don't feel very safe," I hissed still not looking at him, "trapped here with no way to defend myself."

There was silence for a few minutes and I knew that I had made Sam uncomfortable. It wasn't his fault, I knew that, sure he agreed to it and went along with the idea but it was his Alpha's orders.

I couldn't get angry with him for following orders, what I could get angry over was that he was keeping the key away from me. That was probably an order too but he could lie. He could say I used some completely unrealistic blonde wolf power thing where he had to do what I said.

"Sasha, he's your mate and he would do anything to keep you safe." Sam tried to convince me, "Trust me I know what I guy would do to keep his love safe."

"That's right." Iris exclaimed and I turned to look at her, "You're mated to Laura right?"

Sam's face relaxed at the mention of the girl's name and he sat down on the ground crossing his legs.

"Yeah," his voice was dreamy and I couldn't help but smile, "I'm really glad I came, I would never have met her otherwise."

"Is she going back to Darkmoon with you?" I asked curiously.

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