Chapter 32 - Small affections

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Words cannot explain how happy I am that you guys are actually still reading this XD I just realised (which makes me feel kinda stupid) that it's over 30 chapters and Sasha [Sarah] is only JUST getting on with her mate -_- I feel ashamed.

But this is my first proper story so I am a bit ruff around the edges, thank you for all the votes and comments they make my day :D

A few people have been asking about Sasha's wolf, and I will just say that I want to firmly place her within this pack BEFORE something... happens... :D

Thank you


*not edited*

True to his word, Hunter dragged me out of the house and led me towards a silver car that was parked outside; he opened the door and got in shuffling around on the leather seats. My senses were filled with the smell of leather and Hunter, and I took a few extra deep breaths relaxing into the aroma, as he slipped in behind the wheel and started the engine.

We travelled for half an hour and relaxed into comfortable conversation, mostly about Hunter's family and the pack. Eventually we arrived at a large shopping centre that had quite a few parking spaces free, since it was a week day according to Hunter.

After parking the car and getting out, Hunter wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, locking the car in the process.

"Let's go then." Hunter smiled down at me, placing a quick kiss to my forehead before guiding me towards the building.

"Why are we here?" I asked looking through the shop windows at all the mannequins wearing different types of clothes.

"Because even though I love you wearing my clothes, you need some of your own stuff and I'm betting you don't have anything." Hunter grinned squeezing my hip affectionately.

Smiling at him, I nodded and began my search through the store for things I might want.

It was fun shopping with Hunter, normally guys would complain, my brothers were prime examples of that, but Hunter just smiled. Every time I turned to face him I found him smiling brightly at me and I couldn't help but blush hiding my face with my hair.

"Stop it." I grumbled.

"What?" He smiled moving around me so he could see my face.


"You don't want me to be happy?" He asked raising an eyebrow, but a smirk was playing at the corners of his mouth.

"Stop smiling at me!" I glared at him.

"But you make me happy."

My eyes widened as he said that and I lowered my head, biting on my bottom lip to stop the smile from making its way onto my face. Warm tingles spread through my hand as he held onto it and I looked up to find him smiling down at me.

His emotions were flashing through his eyes and I couldn't look away, I felt captivated by the man in front of me. His other hand moved to the side of my face and he brushed his thumb underneath my eye before leaning in close.

I closed my eyes moments before his lips touched mine and I melted into the kiss, everything around me stopped as I moved closer pushing my body against his. I didn't want anything between us; I wanted to be as close to him as possible.

These thoughts were interrupted when I felt a pushing motion from the back of my head, like something was forcing its way against my brain. It felt strange and I instantly recognised the presence of my wolf.

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