Chapter 28 - The Strike

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I am so sorry it has taken so long! I've have mocks these past two weeks and to be honest I should be revising, but I've also had writers block and I got an idea and I wanted to write it down and... I'll just shut up now :D 


Mates are supposed to love one another, right? They're supposed to care for one another and make sure that their other half is healthy, right?


It has been three DAYS since I last ate anything and I and literally knocking on deaths door. So maybe it is my fault, I was the one refusing to eat but come on, it's not like I'm asking Him to donate a kidney!

But from the looks He keeps giving me I bet He would prefer to exchange organs than let my friends out of the cells.

What I was mainly worried about, was the fact that He refused to let me see them. Why was He being so difficult? I would sit on the sofa in His living room and so many terrible thoughts would enter my head.

They could have tortured Oliver and Iris, and they were so badly damaged that they wouldn't let me see them. Or He had in fact killed them and there was nothing left to show me.

Not only did I refuse to eat but I refused to move as well, which meant I was still in the living room, right next to the door. Whenever anyone would visit the Alpha's house, they could see me, curled up in one of His shirts trying to continue with my strike.

I had kind of guessed that He was the Alpha's son, His mother radiated power as the current Luna when I had met her, as well as His father. And I felt stupid to not have realised that Jay was the future Beta, he screamed power as well.

Then again, my family were Beta's and I was technically stronger than them, so I never really noticed it. All that time in the cells, all the fun with Jay, and he had been the future Beta and even he wouldn't help Iris and Oliver.

It really made me question his loyalty to his friends.

"Sarah?" I really wish they would give up... or give into my demands.

"I'm not eating until I see them, Beatrice." I grumbled leaning back and staring as the woman entered the room.

Once again she had brought a tray of all different kinds of food on it with her; most of them were had vitamins and stuff that I needed in them. I eyed the tray warily as she placed it on the coffee table, watching as the soft white breaded sandwich screamed 'eat me'.

It was tempting, so tempting. But I was a stubborn soul and apparently so was He.

"You need to eat something dear, even just some soup. It's not healthy."

Beatrice was indeed Luna material, she had that loving and caring quality about her and I felt bad for being so immovable. Then I remembered if she was so kind she would let my completely innocent friends out of prison.

"I know." I stretched out trying to look away from the tray and caught her eye, "I will eat... as soon as you let me see my friends."

She sighed running her hand through her hair and looking out of the window, the sun was shining through it and I could tell that she wanted to go and check on the pack. But instead she had to make me eat food, well boohoo.

"You can always go," I prompted nodding to the window.

"Not after last time missy." She grinned down at me, but I could tell she was slightly upset.

On the first day of my strike, most of the pack had gone to check out if anymore rogues were around, meaning that Mason, current Alpha, the guys and He left the house. Nicky and Beatrice were left with me.

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