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*not edited*

It was dark, so dark that I couldn't see a thing. There was no light, my eyes were useless but my other senses frightened me even more. I could smell something, it wasn't a bad scent but something calming and strangely familiar although I couldn't remember who it was.

It was like cut grass on a spring day, nature would be the only word I would use to describe it. My ears were picking up on sounds all around me, I could hear breathing, the movement of their chests and the sound of air passing through their mouths.

There were two people, I could here their hearts, both were slow and steady and then there was another one, beating fast and frantic. It was mine.

I couldn't breathe. Fear was overflowing through my veins and I tried so hard to see who was in the room with me but I couldn't.

Even though I couldn't see them I could feel the walls moving closer towards me, I felt suffocated, trapped. The nightmare was tearing at my mind and I cried out, my arms were flailing around trying to grab hold of something.

Then I felt something on my forehead. It was soft and brief, a shiver ran threw my body at the sudden coldness. My hand shot up and grabbed hold of it.


Through my half-awake eyes I was able to make out the outline of the person who had woke me up. The en-suite door was open and the light from inside was shining into the bedroom. It took me a few moments to realise where I was or who I was.

Sleepily, I glanced at the bedside clock and saw that it was 3:26 in the morning.

"You're back late again." I said while sitting up properly and yawning.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you," Hunter sat down next to me, "You seemed to restless again."

"Oh," Yawning once more I leant back against the headboard.

Hunter was very rarely home anymore, he always seemed to be working. When it wasn't at the company, he was out being Alpha to the pack.

He had official inherited the role three years ago when he had left college, right after that he had begun working at his father's company. As the Chief Operating Officer, Hunter had a lot of responsibility on his shoulders and then he was also Alpha.

"Are you alright Sash?" Hunter placed his hand on my forehead.

"I'm fine," Shaking his hand off I noticed that his hair was wet, he had probably just gotten out of the shower.

Hunter eyes stayed on me and I could see the worry he was feeling. Occasionally I would have nightmares, it was something we got used to in the past 5 years, but they had been more regular recently.

Leaning forward I pressed my lips against his, even after so many years the feeling and emotions that came rushing with skin to skin contact never changed. I pulled him down closer to me, wrapping my arms around his neck and digging my fingers into his hair.

"Sash," Hunter moaned my name as I bit at his lip and I smiled forcing him onto the bed.

Every night seemed to be the same, he would work all day and then run the borders all night and then before he slept, he would wrap his arms around me and hold me close.

My mouth left his lips and I trailed down his neck to the mark I had made all those years ago, the bond between the two of us that never wavered. I loved this man. This man who was so strong and courageous, who put up with everything I had ever thrown his way. Not many guys would have done that.

My body was on fire as his fingers trailed across my skin. I clawed at him like a drowning man and only when we were both sated did I feel tiredness washing over me. Wrapped in his arms I listened to his heart beat, slow and steady, just like my dream.

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