Chapter 25 - The Escape

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This week has been a nightmare; you would think lecturer's would start you of easy. -_- No, no they don't. 

I'm sorry it's been so long, and there might be a lot of mistakes (spot them out if you come across any :D ) Hope you like it.


Sneaking out of the prison was actually a lot easier than I thought it would have been. This was either due to our amazing sneaky skills, or due to the fact that there were literally no guards around what so ever. Everyone had vanished. 

Well more precise they had all ran off into the woods to help attack the rogues and save the damsels in distress.

The prison we had been in was near a forest, the tree line to it was on the other side of a small clearing. The building behind, which we had spent the last few days occupying, was tall and dark in the moonlight and everything was completely silent.

There was a slight throbbing pain in my ankle as we walked towards the trees. The still atmosphere started to make me worried and I wasn't the only one, Iris was practically glued to my side as she looked around in panic.

"Where is everyone?" She whispered taking a hold of the tattered shirt I was wearing.

"I don't know." I replied, watching Oliver's back as he led the way.

"Compared to the other prison, this one isn't worth many guards." Oliver muttered, glancing around, "most of the warrior's would be at the other prison."

"Favouritism." Iris mumbled.

I grinned at her, "are you feeling a bit neglected?"

She huffed under her breath, before letting go of my shirt and walking with her head held high.

"I think most of the warrior's went to help out with the rogues, but they'll be back soon. We should head in the opposite direction of the attack, and then shift after we get over the territory border."

I snapped my head in Oliver's direction after he spoke, shift!

"Why then? Wouldn't it be easier now?" Iris asked.

"No, they will be able to get a stronger scent if we're in our wolf form."

"Um guys?"

"Which way should we head?" Iris was walking beside Oliver, as we entered into the forest.


"I can hear the attack over there," Oliver pointed to the right and I paused my sulking to listen as well, sure enough the sound of wolves barking and growling could be heard.

"Come on then." Oliver said, turning his back on the noises and walking away, Iris close on his heels.

I stood still, my mouth hanging open, as I watched the two of them walk away, I couldn't believe that they were just going to leave the pack members to fight of an enemy while protecting their loved ones.

I know exactly how that feels, and it's hard, not matter how much effort you put into the fight you will always be looking over your shoulder to see if they're okay.

"GUYS!" I shouted and they both stopped to look at me, "You just going to leave?"

Iris and Oliver exchanged a look, before Oliver took a step forward "Yes."

"How can you do that?"

"They're a pack Sarah; they can handle themselves, besides if we charged in to help they would see us as the enemy as well. It's suicide." Iris looked unaffected at the thought of leaving the pack, they did lock us in jail.

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