Chapter 36 - Worst Nightmare

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*not edited*

"They've gone!" Hunter roared, "Where the fu©k have they gone?"

The living room fell silent, nobody dared to say anything especially when Hunter was in such a state. Everyone present, the Alpha's, the Beta's, the thirds, the future leaders and a few of the Warriors all knew that Hunter's relationship with his mate was unsteady. Many of them had been present when Hunter had marked Sarah and had also been informed of the recent argument between the future Alpha pair.

"Who was with them last?" Hunter yelled pacing backwards and forwards, he ran his hands through his hair in frustration tugging at the strands harshly.

The room remained silent and when no one answered, Hunter stopped pacing and turned to glare at everyone individually. Alpha Mason was still the true Alpha, since Hunter hadn't taken the title, and he had to hold himself back from growling at his son's lack of respect.

Normally, Jay was the one to calm Hunter down, as his future beta and best friend, but the disappearance of his own mate had left him just as livid. Nicky along with the future Luna had vanished and Jay's wolf was filled with worry, then to make matters worse, his little sister was also nowhere to be found.

Jessica wasn't the friendliest of pack members and she certainly had her own issues with the hierarchy, but she was still Jay's sister and he truly cared for her. The two siblings were only a few years apart and with Beta parents it had sometimes been really tough in their household.

As future Beta, Jay had always been pushed by his father resulting in a few occasions where he lashed out and ran away, it was always Jessica who brought him back. The sister that used to worship her big brother, following him around at every opportunity and thereby resulting in Jessica spending a lot of time with Hunter.

Their relationship changed when Nicky came into the picture but Jay had always made sure that Jessica was alright and that their relationship hadn't changed too much.

Then one day everything did change. It had been strangely sudden and before Jay could even react Jessica was closing doors and clinging to Hunter like nothing on earth.

"I saw them this afternoon sir." A warrior said and everyone turned to look at him.

"When?" Alpha Mason asked, knowing that Hunter would just get angry without answers really soon.

"Iris and Nicky were with Miss Sarah all day I believe, then Jessica visited the house along with Laura?"

"When?" Jay snapped feeling a pit of dread forming in his stomach.

"Just before 3 sir." 9 hours! It had been 9 hours since anyone had seen them.

"Rex!" Hunter growled lowly, "what happened?"

Rex, who had been quietly fidgeting in the corner of the room, looked up to find Hunter and Jay glaring at him. When he realised that everyone was looking at him he straightened his spine and went rigid, his eyes drifting to the floor, something he only did when he was nervous.


"You said you were going to the house this afternoon to watch over my mate," Hunter growled, "and you've been very, very quiet!"

Rex visibly paled as his best friends watched him squirm, his eyes darted around the room trying to desperately find a way out of the mess, and his wolf was whining in his head at disobeying his future Alpha. But in order to answer his Alphas command he would be disobeying her.

"Guys I..." He looked back to his friends and saw the anger, but there was also fear.

He could see the pain in his best friend's eyes, the worry that was consuming them. His best friends for as long as he could remember and the ones that he promised to serve and protect. Come on, bros before hoes. With a sigh he dragged his hand down his face.

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