Chapter 17 - Breaking away

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I stayed by the window for a little while longer, just watching the car disappear down the street. Then I walked to the sofa and sat back down curling up again, wrapping my arms around my legs 

Before I knew it, tears were running down my cheeks and I wrapped myself up tighter hoping that it would just hurry up and finish, so my family could return.

The sun had been set for a while, well since it was October it usually set at about 4, but still. It was cold. The TV was still playing but I wasn't listening to it and the only light on was this room and the hall's.

I hadn't moved much since my family had left, and my eyes were starting to feel heavy as I glanced at the clock and saw it read 21:00. They had been gone for 4 hours, how long do these things usually take?

I eyed my mobile which was on the coffee table and considered calling to make sure everything was okay. Turning the TV off, I sat forward and reached out for the small black Galaxy.

Pain shot through my arm, pins and needles, I shuck my arm out trying to stop the numbness taking over. I hadn't even realized I had been sat on my hand for 4 hours.

Standing up I decided to shake it out and I moved to the window to close the curtains, once the room was a bit more private, I made my way back to the coffee table, dancing about trying to resuscitate my poor arm.

But suddenly I couldn't breathe. It happened so fast that for a moment I clawed at my throat not knowing what was happening.

My legs started to shake and they gave way, falling to the floor my knees crashed to the ground. My hands instinctively went to my head, as the throbbing pain grew beneath my eyes. It hurt, God it hurt.

I was gasping for anything, curling up on the floor trying to ease the pain. I could feel my wolf howling in my head, tearing at the corners of my mind. In pain.

She was in pain, I was in pain. I was alone.

I felt the tear, the rip of something inside being broken, something becoming distant. I was shouting something in my head, but I couldn't make clear if the words.

They're gone, they're gone, they're gone.

They're gone. My family. Aaron, Luke, Meg, Nick, Mum, Dad, I couldn't feel them anymore. It had happened, they had gone.

I was on my feet and moving before I realized, making my way through the house toward the kitchen and out the back door. It slammed shut behind me as I staggered out, stumbling down the steps and pulling my favourite jumper over my head, throwing it to the floor.

I was clawing at myself, like thousands of green ants were burying into my skin over and over, crawling up my legs and into my hair. I took of sprinting, over the wooden fence at the end of the garden I kept going until I saw the tree line.

The slippers on my feet had fallen of when I jumped over the fence, so I could feel the twigs and leaves beneath my souls as I ran through the woods in my human form. My shoulders cracked, digging deeper before expanding out, my hands fell forward and two paws landed gracefully on the ground, the rest of my body following.

Running for a good ten minutes I heard a chorus of howls coming from far away. It was the pack, I could hear the joy mixed in with happiness. Throwing my head back, the annoying feeling in my throat was released and my mournful howl echoed around.

Hoping that the packs own calls would drown out mine, I lowered my head and began to run again.

I must have been running in circles for hours, making sure I didn't cross any other werewolf scents proved to keep my mind of things. But eventually I wanted a break.

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