Chapter 38 - Heated Fever

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*not edited*

"If it's no better by tomorrow, I'll go see her okay?"

Iris watched me sceptically before she slowly nodded her head and turned to face the screen again but I knew everyone was glancing at me sideways. Hunter's grip around my shoulder's tightened and I looked up at him, he stared down at me with worry and I smiled.

"I'm okay." Shuffling under the blanket, I reached up to cup his cheek and guide his face down to mine so I could kiss him.

Sparks erupted from the action and I moved more so that I was able to straddle him and deepen the kiss. Hunter's hands moved up my back and I shuddered as my shirt rode up and he was touching my skin.

"Guys seriously." Rex whined and I pulled away from the kiss, breathing in deeply.

"She doesn't look sick to me." Oliver muttered, causing Iris to hit him.

"I'm not sick." I huffed turning so that I was resting against Hunter and his arms circled my waist.

His breath was on my neck and he was placing light, feathered kisses across my skin making me wiggly about with his teasing. His mouth moved up to my ear and he nibbled on top causing me to moan.

"Seriously!" Rex said spinning to face us, "You know we can leave!"

"Hunter!" a stern voice said as the door swung open, revealing a very disturbed looking Alpha.

"Dad what's wrong?" Noticing his father's concern Hunter quickly moved me from his lap and stood up.

The loss of contact caused me to whimper and I found myself reaching out to grab Hunter's shirt, but quickly stopped when I realised what I was doing. Hearing my distress Hunter turned to look down at me and he took my hand in his giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"There's a problem near the east border, we need to go." Alpha Mason said quickly.

"All of us?" Jay asked standing up.

"Yes, come on boys. Sarah sweetheart I'm sorry but they'll be back as soon as they can." Alpha Mason said smiling sadly at me.

Hunter's body tensed and he crouched down in front of me to place a passionate kiss on my lips, breaking apart he leaned forward and whispered softly, "I'll be back soon Sasha."

The sound of my name from Hunter caused me to shudder and grip tighter onto his shirt so that I could keep him near me.

Luckily no one had heard him say my real name, since I told him he would sometimes call me 'Sasha' when others were around and I would hit him, but this time I was to hazy to even register the others in the room.

"We'll look after her." Nicky said moving to take Hunter's seat after quickly kissing Jay goodbye.

Hunter nodded once and then quickly stood up, following his father out the door with Rex, Jay and Oliver in tow. The door closed heavily and I could vaguely make out raised voices outside, until the sound of a car's engine could be heard, before it faded away.

"What do you think that's about?" Iris asked moving to the window so she could peer outside.

"Don't know." Nicky sighed, reaching to place her hand on my forehead, "You're burning up again Sair."

I groaned burying my head into my hands as a wave of heat swept through me almost threatening to make me sick. Iris moved to my side and gripped my shoulders for support, the notion was comforting but I really just wanted to go to sleep.

"I'm going to bed." I huffed, quickly standing up only to be overcome by a wave of dizziness.

Two pairs of hands shot out to grab my shoulders before I could fall to the floor and I sent a silent thank you to them, not being able to open my mouth from the pain in my head.

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