Chapter 11 - The Beta's Son

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Thank you sooooo much, everyone for all the votes. It means so much to me XD You guys are the best. I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!


After our encounter with Alec and his friends, the Darkmoon pack seemed to calm down knowing that we weren't a threat. The humans still gave us curious stares, since we were fresh meat, but for the rest of lunch we sat with members of the pack.

Aaron and Nick got on really well with everyone, Luke and I just sat at the corner of the table eating our food not really talking much. Aaron would try to get me involved in the conversation but I just wanted Meg to hurry up and come back.

Rowan kept throwing weird glances at me every now and again, so when he offered to walk me to my next class, since his was in the same direction, I didn't want to go. Surprisingly when it was just the two of us he was really polite and friendly.

Once I didn't have bunch of werewolves breathing down my neck, the day passed by quickly and before I knew it, I was heading back to the car. The human girl that Leah had mentioned, Kelly, was in my last class and she was chatting happily to me while we left the building.

She was a petite girl, with dark blonde hair that was cut short to her shoulders and it was naturally curly, and bright blue eyes that always seemed happy.

"I'm just glad that there's someone else now," she smiled at me, "I mean there are other humans in the pack but I'm the only one that's mated with a higher-up wolf."

"Mated?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah I'm Cameron's?"

I was torn by that comment part of me thought it was cute, the way that she blushed when she mentioned her other half, but at the same time it sounded like he owned her. Which wasn't so cute 

"Some of the she-wolves can be a bit mean about us but there's only a few of them, and the rest of the pack always get angry at them."


"But don't worry you'll soon feel right at home, I mean wherever your mate is, it's home you know?"

"I guess."

"Cameron gives me lifts so I'm going to go wait by his car," she pointed to a row of expensive looking vehicles that were on the other side of the car park, "see you tomorrow Sasha."

"Yeah bye Kelly."

Aaron was already leaning against our car and Luke was crouched down playing on his play station vita again, I can't believe that kid managed to sneak it passed our parents and take it to school.

"Heya, how was your day?" I asked when I was close enough.                      

"Great actually." Aaron replied standing up straight and giving me a quick hug.

"Luke?" Silence. "Ok then."

"It feels good to be alive." Nick sang as he got closer to us.

"Good day bro?" Aaron asked smirking.

"You bet ya." He reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out the set of car keys.

Just as he pressed the button to unlock the doors, Luke jumped up and got inside sliding across the seat to the middle and returning to his game. Aaron raised an eyebrow before jogging round to the other side and getting in the back seat beside Luke.

Nick reached out to grab the driver's door but a hand flashed out grabbing it and snatching the keys from his fingers. We were all silent as Meg threw the door open and slammed it shut in a matter of seconds.

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