Chapter 10 - Fooling the pack

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I updated a bit earlier this time, cause the chapter practically wrote itself :P Thank you so much for all the support everyone has given me it really means a lot :D


Thankfully, someone must have been watching over me, my teacher was strict and didn't want anyone to interrupt him. This left 12 werewolves throwing silent glances at me, and each other. Every time I caught one of them staring in my direction, I had to force the need to flinch away to the back of my head, while constantly repeating I'm human over and over.

I had spent a lot long in the headmaster's office than I thought, going over all the paper work and making sure that our previous school had taught the same things as Bradford. I only had to get through this one lesson until lunch, so I was able to hold onto my sanity.

It irritated me every time Lucy breathed in deeply, reminding herself that my scent wasn't human. Was it really that easy to forget the smell of something, I only had to breathe in once to know that you weren't human!

After what seemed like a hike down the Congo River, a bell sounded outside and the other students began to quickly pack away. Jumping up before Lucy could even open her mouth I threw my things into my bag and hoped down the stairs, turning to shout a 'it was nice to meet you' over my shoulder as I dashed out the door.

I could only imagine the look of confusion written in all their faces, but I got a quick glance of Mr Sander's expression and I broke out into a smirk.

Almost every single person I came across tried to stop my speedy getaway as I power walked, or attempt to, down the hall. It was like everyone had to just randomly stop in front of me creating a blockade.

Why can't people use their eyes to see I'm walking here! I yelled in frustration through my family mind link as someone took a step backward into my path.

You okay Sasha? Megan asked, not even trying to hide the amusement she felt.

Beside the barrier of humans in front and the stampede of werewolves behind? I asked sarcastically, as the werewolves presence got closer behind me.

It wasn't that I didn't want to meet them, the whole reason we had moved here was to start a new life with others. But I did not want to get cornered by the Darkmoon packs teenagers. On my own.

Finally a small gap opened up and I squeezed passed, as Lucy called out my name. The crowd was going in a general direction and I could sense my siblings just a bit further ahead. Keeping on the balls of my feet I quickened my pace when I saw two large open double doors, which carried not only the scent of my family, but also the scent of food.

As I stepped over the archway I did an internally happy dance just as a hand reached out to grab me. Damn it!

Lucy was staring at me with a serious expression, her grip tighten on my arm as she opened her mouth to speak, "Hey Sasha what's...".

Suddenly she looked over my shoulder trailing of in mid sentence, her eyes went wide and I followed her gaze into the room.

At first I wondered why it was so quiet, cafeteria's weren't usually like that. I didn't think they were much different from the my old one. But maybe it was quiet all the time.

Glancing around the room I could tell that more money went into making this place look better, outside had been nice too like an old castle or something, compared to our old school. I spotted the food first and my eyes landed on the pizza that was being served, warm crispy edges just the way I liked it.

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