Chapter 15 - Bonding

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Sorry it's taken so long, these last few weeks have been hectic. But I hope you like the chapter :D

The picture's of Kit Harington from Pompeii XD


Guilty is never a good way to feel. Actually it sucks a lot. Your hands start to sweat and you get that horrid feeling in the back of your throat. It's even worse when you feel this way towards your parents. Even if they spent the past TWO DAYS trailing down to our old home, to do God knows what.

Personally, I thought that both of my parents would have been a lot angrier than they were. Dad was speechless, he didn't say anything for about two hours, mum was better, she managed to shriek after only 45 minutes of staring into space.

I pondered over their reactions for quite a while, at one point I think I fell asleep. Thinking too hard does that to a person. Mum came up to my room after a while, she asked what was wrong. After explaining to her about my confusion, she simply smiled and said;

"The moment Megan walked through that door with Rowan behind her, I knew it was over. Mates are your other halves, your reason to keep going, your wolves are drawn to one another, it just takes time for your human to catch up." She smiled,

"There is no greater pain in this world than losing your mate. I know if anyone was to come between your father and I, well let's just say it wouldn't be pretty."

She had laughed after that but I could see the seriousness in her eyes.

"It was fate to come here my dear, for Meg to find Rowan, for Rowan to find Meg. We must trust that the Moon Goddess will lead us to our fates."

Great. I hate the Moon Goddess talk. It wasn't that I didn't believe or worship her; just I didn't like the fact that technically she wasn't my Goddess.

"The Moon Goddess won't help me." I muttered curling up on the end of my bed.

"Now listen here Sasha!" Mum's voice became harsh as she grabbed my chin and made me look at her, "I am a daughter of the Moon Goddess and, no matter what colour your hair is, You are my daughter. My blood runs through your veins. You are a daughter of the Goddess. Even if some of the others believe you belong to the sun, you are also a daughter of the moon."

Tears threatened to appear after that, these were the moments that I really love my mum; she hugged me after that and this warm fuzzy feeling crept up into my heart. I had never felt like an outcast within my family, in my species yeah sure, but not in my family.

 The blood that was in me, keeping my heart beating, was the same as theirs.

We were one family, one species and one pack.

Since I was, in a way, connected to the pack, through my sister, I had to attend some pack event. The joy I was feeling could probably be compared to that first day at a new school, the one you dread.

"Sasha lighten up." Mum called from the front of the line.

We were walking down the pavement, the whole lot of us, I felt sorry for the poor old ladies across the street that were staring through their windows as my brothers laughed loudly. One of them even hushed us. We weren't being that loud.

"Mum I am completely 'enlightened' who wouldn't want to spend quality time with a pack of wolves, while they play games testing their mediocre strength."

"Technically, you're weaker than us at the moment." Luke commented unnecessarily.

 "Who are you calling mediocre?" Nick huffed turning around and walking backward while facing me.

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